JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Got talent? Then the Rotary Club of Jacksonville – Oceanside is looking for you! Participate in the Club’s first Talent Explosion, a competition featuring on-line voting for your favorite performance on YouTube.com. Oceanside Rotary Charities is a 501c (3) not for profit organization.

The competition is open to all. Entrants simply create a 2-5 minute video of their performance, place it on YouTube.com, go to www.talentexplosionusa.com, complete an online entry form supplying the URL for the YouTube link, pay an entry fee of $25 and click “submit.” Voting for your favorite is also tabulated on-line at www.talentexplosionusa.com. Each vote is $1 and there is no limit to how often one may vote. Rules and further instructions may be found on the web site.

“Rotary does a great job of fundraising but the annual dinner and silent auction is getting tired,” said Oceanside’s President Elect David MacInnes.

Oceanside Rotary Charities “This fresh approach capitalizes on the nationwide popularity of ‘American Idol’ and ‘Dancing with the Stars’ with ‘fans’ participating in the voting process,” MacInnes continued.

The voting deadline is December 15, 2007. The top ten entrants based on number of votes received will perform LIVE in the final competition on January 11, 2008 at the Nathan H. Wilson Center for the Arts at Florida Community College in Jacksonville. A panel of judges will determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd finalists and award cash prizes of $2,500, $1,500 and $1,000.

“We’re confident the community at large will embrace and support this by both submitting entries and then encouraging family and friends from all over the country to vote,” explained MacInnes. “Act now! The longer your talent video is posted, the more votes you can accumulate before the deadline of December 15,” MacInnes urged.

Funds raised by the Talent Explosion competition support a long list of Oceanside Rotary Charities’ projects in the local community and abroad.

For more information, go to or call Rebecca David at 904-654-5946.

Oceanside Rotary Charities is a 501c (3) not for profit organization. All proceeds from this event go to “Oceanside Rotary Charities” and are tax deductible.

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[tags]Oceanside Rotary Charities, Talent Explosion YouTube competition, Rotary Club of Jacksonville Oceanside[/tags]