Working Together: World Peace One Person at a Time

Working Together: Light Shifting – Getting to Our Highest Energy

Uplifting Evolutionary Ideas: Plymouth as a Symbol

Uplifting Evolutionary Ideas: The Secret Purpose of History

Working Together: Through the Looking Glass We See Ourselves

Garrison's World: In Defense of Ethnophilic – On Racism and Mexican Illegal Immigration

Communication Nation: Tagline, You're It!
COLUMN: Scott G has been paying attention to the taglines in ads. Somebody needs to, because marketers are making a ton of mistakes in this important area of communication. Taglines often seem to be a cute little part of advertising but can actually be a deft tool of marketing. More appropriately called theme lines, they are supposed to help cement the most important brand attributes into the minds of consumers. When they work, it seems like magic.
Working Together: Women Fighting Banditos

Communication Nation: Jargonizing, or How American Business is Losing the War of Words

Behind the Eye: Music Review – Peter Frampton 'Fingerprints' (2006)