WASHINGTON, D.C. — Where will you be on Election Night? A good bet would be at ElectionMall’s Campaign Headquarters, the Ultrabar just blocks away from the White House and Capitol. Celebrate this Election Night 2008 with celebrities, ambassadors from nine countries, friends and colleagues, professionals young and old alike and possibly your very own congressmen. Everyone is welcome whether Democrat, Republican or Independent. Voters can blog, watch major live network coverage on all four floors, and celebrate democracy with an open bar, music, and dancing. Be there for the raffle and win McCain and Obama giveaways as well as a weekend stay at the Hotel Monaco.

ElectionMall.com, a leading campaign and election technology company, is holding their biggest red carpet non-partisan Election Night party yet. The theme of this year’s Election Night party is “Vote. Then Party. It’s Your Duty” hosted by former American Idol contestant Antonella Barba and Campaign Guru Ravi Singh.

When asked why ElectionMall is going all out, CEO Ravi Singh explains, “Voting in the past has never before taken on such a high tech feel. For a lot of Americans and especially young people, this is their first time voting. It only makes sense to throw a party for the biggest election since 1928 where there is no standing president or vice president.”

“In this industry, very few could have imagined what has happened to this current campaign space. When we started ElectionMall eight years ago, I had to twist arms for candidates to put up a website; now each campaign large and small asks us for a web presence, online fundraising, and social networking accounts. This year’s presidential election has made ElectionMall one of the largest campaign technology companies in the world.”

A first time voter herself, Barba discusses her experience of attending this year’s RNC and DNC. “After I made it past all the convention fever, I realized how important participation is for democracy. Young people are key to the election process. It is our world we are creating. We should be rewarding ourselves for taking on the responsibility to vote. Hosting the premier Election Night Party will be memorable for everyone involved for years to come,” says Barba.

This hosted event is almost sold out. International dignitaries are flying in from all over the world including Andorra, the smallest democratic country in the world.

PHOTO OP: Antonella will be taking photos on the Red Carpet along with special celebrities TBA.

INTERVIEW: Ravi Singh, Campaign Guru, will be talking about the Internet’s impact on this year’s election and new technologies being utilized to increase turnout and Get Out the Vote (GOTV).

“Vote. Then Party. It’s Your Duty” Election Night 2008 Party

Bedroom Blogger Lounge, 14 Plasma Screen TVs, Four Floors of Internet Access, Live Campaign Coverage, Media Interviews, Open Bar, McCain and Obama Giveaways, Raffle, Music, DJs, and Internet Access.

Tuesday, November 4 – 8:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.

ElectonMall’s Election Night Campaign Headquarters

Ultrabar, 911 F St. NW, Washington, DC 20004

Right Next to Gallery Place/ Chinatown Metro Stop

Toast your next president of United States by purchasing tickets at www.ElectionNight.us or call (202) 361-5572.

Non-Drink Tickets $25
Open Bar Tickets $40
VIP Tickets $150 includes VIP access
VIP Table $500 includes 5 VIP tickets and access
All tickets $25 after 11:00 p.m.

About ElectionMall, Inc.

ElectionMall, Inc., established in 1999, is a world leader in providing Internet-based non-partisan solutions for elections and campaigns, effectively utilizing technology and business expertise to enable candidates, advocacy groups, or nonprofits to generate enhanced gains in awareness, funds, and votes. From their eight years in the campaign and election industry, ElectionMall has identified over 54 different campaign behaviors and has categorized them into five specific product offerings of: Build, Manage, Raise, Promote and Shop. ElectionMall’s complete product offering successfully encompasses the entire life-cycle of a political campaign. ElectionMall is headquartered in Washington, D.C. with offices in Chicago and Los Angeles.

For more information, visit www.electionmall.com or call 1-888-WEB-2-WIN (932-2946).

[tags]ElectionMall Technologies, Ravi Singh, Antonella Barba[/tags]