EPIC Insurance Brokers and Consultants, a retail property, casualty insurance brokerage and employee benefits consultant, announced today that Senior Vice President of Enterprise Risk Management and Principal Dr. Dan Houston will present at Georgia Public Risk Management Association’s (PRIMA) Annual Education Series on Wednesday, April 26 at 8:30 a.m. at the Savannah Civic Center.

EPIC Insurance Brokers and Consultants

eNewsChannels NEWS: ATLANTA, Ga. — EPIC Insurance Brokers and Consultants, a retail property, casualty insurance brokerage and employee benefits consultant, announced today that Senior Vice President of Enterprise Risk Management and Principal Dr. Dan Houston will present at Georgia Public Risk Management Association’s (PRIMA) Annual Education Series on Wednesday, April 26 at 8:30 a.m. at the Savannah Civic Center in Savannah, Georgia.

The Georgia Chapter of PRIMA was established in 2004 to provide education, training and professional development opportunities for public sector risk management professionals in the state of Georgia. This EPIC sponsored event is an education-intensive multi-day seminar where members will learn, network and meet with private sector representatives from businesses offering services to the membership.

Houston will present alongside Vince Josaphs, Senior Vice President of INSUREtrust on “Best Practices On Data Breach Response: Test Your Cyber IQ.”

Click here to view the full agenda: https://www.gaprima.org/insidepages/events/agenda.cfm?eventid=ED5A5E04-5056-8960-3ED1-225D4F9EE532.

About Daniel W. Houston, D.Div., ARM, Senior Vice President of Enterprise Risk Management and Principal, EPIC Insurance Brokers & Consultants:

Prior to joining EPIC in August 2006, Houston was Senior Vice President and Vice President/Producer with Marsh, Alexander & Alexander (Aon) and Willis/HRH. He has also served as Director of Risk Management and Insurance Worldwide for Hickory Springs Manufacturing Company and NCR Corporation. While working for NCR, he co-developed the first cyber insurance policy and risk management response.

Author of over 500 articles, texts and educational courses on risk management, insurance, analytics, contractual risk transfer, music, religion and law, Houston is the recipient of The Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc.’s (RIMS) prestigious “Harry and Dorothy Goodell Award,” and was named “2010 Insurance and Risk Management Professional of the Year.”

He was recently featured in the Wall Street Journal and CNBC for his work with the endangered panda program. He is a member of and/or serves on a number of boards, notably the Next Generation Manufacturing (NGM), Japan-America Business Council, Federal Reserve Bank, Advanced Risk Management Panel, Defense Research Institute, Eisenhower (after his great uncle Dwight D. Eisenhower) Academy and is a founding member of the International Risk Management Federation in Helsinki, Finland.

About The Public Risk Management Association:

The Public Risk Management Association (PRIMA) is North America’s largest risk management association dedicated solely to the practice of public entity risk management. For three decades, PRIMA has been dedicated to providing hard-hitting, practical education and training for public entity risk management practitioners like you.

There are more than 2,200 PRIMA member entities, of which 1,800 are local governments. These entities realize that membership provides the necessary tools and solutions needed in today’s complex and changing risk management environment

About EPIC:

EPIC is a unique and innovative retail property and casualty and employee benefits insurance brokerage and consulting firm. EPIC has created a values-based, client-focused culture that attracts and retains top talent, fosters employee satisfaction and loyalty and sustains a high level of customer service excellence. EPIC team members have consistently recognized their company as a “Best Place to Work” in multiple regions and as a “Best Place to Work in the Insurance Industry” nationally.

EPIC now has 1,100 team members operating from offices across the U.S., providing Property Casualty, Employee Benefits, Specialty Programs and Private Client solutions to more than 20,000 clients.

With roughly $280 million in run rate revenues, EPIC ranks among the top 20 retail insurance brokers in the United States. Backed by the Carlyle Group, the company continues to expand organically and through strategic acquisitions across the country.

For additional information, please visit http://www.epicbrokers.com/.

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