KIRKLAND, Wash. /eNewsChannels/ — A New Jersey naval architect watched helplessly as over $1 million dollars disappeared into the health-care system: all the assets of his mom and dad in their final years. Like most middle-class Americans, the naval architect and his parents had missed an estate planning gap. Their financial advisors (FA’s) missed it too. No long term care insurance (LTCi). “This was an expensive omission,” says Jonas Roeser, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Operations for LTC Financial Partners LLC (LTCFP), one of America’s most experienced long-term care insurance agencies. “It cost the architect his inheritance plus money out of his own pocket; and it cost the man’s financial advisors too — disappearing funds that they formerly managed and profited from.”

The naval architect’s story is far from rare. Millions can recount similar stories, but “this pain can be avoided,” says Roeser. “Long-term care insurance offers inexpensive protection. Today it’s a must for people with enough assets to hire financial advisors.” But many people, like the naval architect, get caught up in day-to-day activities and fail to look into the insurance, even if they know they should.

“We think it’s up to their financial advisors to warn them,” says Roeser. “FA’s have a professional, vested interest in protecting the assets of their clients. They should take people like the naval architect aside and almost force them, if necessary, to consider their LTC options.”

There’s a problem, though. Many financial advisors lack knowledge of long-term care insurance, a complicated instrument with multiple options and legal nuances. LTCFP offers a solution for FA’s, free consultation on all LTCi matters. With a network of 500-plus LTCi specialists, LTCFP can assist FA’s in all geographic areas of the U.S.

“After talking with one of our specialists,” says Roeser, “financial advisors are in a position to secure thousands to millions per client, while maintaining their own income streams as well.” In the FA’s behalf, the LTCFP specialist navigates the maze of homecare, payment and carrier options, considering the impact of the latest LTCi legislation and tax breaks. Tailored solutions may then be presented to the client.

A listing of the LTCFP specialists, by state, is available at . The company is a co-founder and sponsor of the “3 in 4 Need More” campaign, which seeks to multiply the number of Americans protected by long-term care planning.

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