SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ — Gov. Schwarzenegger today issued the following statement after negotiators released a draft Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement agreement that, when finalized, would result in the largest dam removal and river restoration project ever undertaken.

“Restoring the Klamath River is one of my top environmental priorities, and I am very happy to announce that the negotiating team has taken a tremendous step forward toward completing a preliminary agreement that will make possible the removal of the four dams blocking salmon passage. California has been a leader in bringing all 26 parties, ranging from Klamath Basin tribal governments to ranchers, and environmental groups to commercial fisherman, to the point where they will recommend the agreement to their organizations. The draft agreement not only addresses the unique needs of each of these very diverse groups, but also provides a framework for both environmental protection and economic growth in the region. There is no better example of how a unique group of stakeholders can work constructively for their collective benefit while also protecting and enhancing the environment.”

In November 2008, the federal government, the state of California, the state of Oregon and PacifiCorp signed an Agreement in Principle that took the first critical step down a presumptive path toward an historic resolution of Klamath River resource issues and the Klamath River dams.

To view the draft agreement please visit

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