Creator also blesses us when we learn from these lessons and take steps to prevent catastrophic reruns. The Fukushima tragedy uncovered that nuclear energy has killed thousands of times more people, deformed more babies, and destroyed more agricultural lands than all of the atom bombs ever dropped or tested. Experts also say there are critical measures we MUST take to be able to transition safely to renewable energy. Especially since NASA warns that the escalating solar flares in 2012 will cause “extended blackouts” that put reactors worldwide at risk of becoming Fukushimas or worse. They can also prevent possible chain reactions.

As we have seen, unless we EACH do our part and INSIST our leaders protect our families first, as they were sworn and paid to do, they will protect their own interests and those who contribute to their campaigns first. For example, while Los Alamos, which has the greatest stockpile of nuclear weapons, had an evacuation plan, ABC’s Diane Sawyer reported “an investigation is underway about the problems of how to evacuate potentially 120 million Americans living near nuclear facilities.” People in the Fukushima region who were not responsibly evacuated by their government are now on death row for cancer.


Fortunately, America and many countries have all the necessary funds (See Addenda), if we shift them RIGHT NOW from nuclear and oil to a massive war-time mobilization of renewable energy projects. By passionately enlightening our leaders, we do not need the massive protests that other countries have had to do to be nuclear free. The polls say Americans have wanted to shift from nuclear to renewable energy even before Fukushima. In unity we can solve the most overwhelming challenges that may come our way as we evolve toward an unprecedented Era of Peace and Prosperity.


More prayers are also greatly needed to avert other catastrophes at Nebraska’s Fort Calhoun and Cooper Nuclear Plants. Ft Calhoun’s is also a storage facility for fuel rods like Fukushima. It was deluged by flood waters of biblical proportions that broke the birm, cut electricity, and it is now running on emergency generators. The NRC said if water enters the auxiliary building, there could be a station blackout with core damage in hours. Nuclear scientist Arnie Gunnerson said, “If one of the many dams break, it could lead to an inland Fukushima.” The lessons here, say experts, is that all nuclear plants worldwide pose similar horrific risks from floods, tsunamis, fires, earthquakes and solar flares.

The Cooper nuclear plant downstream still has not been shut down, and both feed into the Mississippi, the Gulf, and currents worldwide. Already the Missouri flood runoff contains such high amounts of hazardous substances that the state of Kansas issued a health advisory to “stay away from the water and avoid any type of contact, including irrigation.”

July 2, an ExxonMobil pipeline that runs under Montana’s Yellowstone River ruptured and leaked 42,000 gallons of crude oil into the Missouri, evacuating residents (AP), and contaminating all waterways that feed into the Gulf. On July 5th, the oil company admitted to MsNBC that their implying that the extent of the oil slick was contained within 10 miles, was “grossly underestimated.” Given the massive Dead Zone in the Gulf from the PB catastrophe, and these lethal radioactive and oil contaminants from these Northern tributaries are constantly adding to the Gulf, isn’t it suicidal to allow BP and anyone else to drill in the Gulf? And their recent licenses to drill must be revoked.

Since all nuclear plants, mills, mines and waste dumps eventually leak, America is a microcosm of what is happening worldwide, but may not get publicity, or is a preview of what could happen unless bold safe steps are taken. CNN’s shocking June 22 report describes the result of this on-going contamination.


“A mass extinction unlike anything human history has ever seen is coming unless we take swift action,” revealed the International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO). The cause is a combination of stressors: Radiation and lethally reacting pollutants, acidification, overfishing, and low oxygen especially from warming oceans, oil spills, and plastic garbage killing the plankton that normally produces more oxygen than the rainforests.


Given this unprecedented chain of catastrophes, on June 25 our Native American Olympic Team Foundation, a bridge between the cultures, put a world press spotlight on a Pilgrimage on mystical Mount Baldy, a “Holy Mountain” near LA. We wanted to raise global awareness how prayers by anyone, anytime, and especially on these 19 Holy Mountains on four Continents, can greatly help revive the oceans, transmute the radiation from Fukushima, Ft Calhoun, and leaking reactors worldwide.

Because it is said that these mountains were energized with extraordinary celestial love to assist humanity to navigate as safely as possible through these mind-blowing times, this largely untapped support system could be the great life-saving gift it was intended to be. Spiritual leaders of all faiths, those who yearn to maximize their prayers out of grave concern, and those who also need to take the time to rebalance and heal themselves out in Nature, have loved hiking and praying on these mountains for decades. I love that anywhere on the mountain, even the base, can yield the same phenomenal blessings. And for the physically or drastic-weather challenged, even the parking lot works. Therefore, we are encouraging everyone to experience a pilgrimage at a holy mountain near you.

Other Holy Mountains in America include Castle Peak next to Aspen, Mt. Tallac overlooking Lake Tahoe, and Mt. Adams (next to Mt Washington) in New Hamp-shire. England, Wales, Scotland, Switzerland, France, Africa, Australia and New Zealand were also blessed with these amazing mountains. (listed below)


Thank heaven that along with these catastrophes have been some equally amazing mindshifts. Science has proven the power of prayers and the President of the UN General Assembly, Miquel D’Escoto Brockmann said, “Time to listen to the voices of Indigenous people.”
On April 20, International Mother Earth Day was commemorated. It was initiated last year by the Indigenous Bolivians following the loss of their only glacier/ski area/water for two million in LA Paz. It included the U.N.’s 192 member states, its leaders, and representatives from the civil society, plus a panel of some of Earth’s deepest thinkers who participated this year in a General Assembly interactive dialogue on harmony with nature. Webcast on: .

The highlight was the consensus that Mother Earth is a living entity and we are all interrelated. They then also explored giving Her the same rights as humans. Recent laws enacted in Ecuador and Bolivia already do so. They also recognized the important role that Indigenous Peoples play with their pool of ancient knowledge, and appreciated how they have protected and countered the destruction of their sacred forests and waters, while promoting respect for Nature and living frugally.

Suzy Chaffee
Suzy "Chapstick" Chaffee Bio - as first woman on the USOC board in the 70s, she led the successful reform of the Olympic Rules with Legends like Bill Bradley, Muhammad Ali, Jack Kelly, Kip Keino, which leveled the playing fields with the government supported countries through Madison Ave, then led the Title IX March in DC. In 1996 she co-founded the Native American Olympic Team Foundation that has inspired ski areas across the US and Canada to invite tribal youth to share the joy of skiing with over 10,000 youth, which inspires their Elders to lead snowdances that have saved ski areas from droughts for 55 years. At the request of SLOC, she orchestrated a snowdance that restored their snow and also a Native ceremony with Ali, that protected Utah from expected terrorism, and every Olympics since then, including RIO!