Men's Interest

Men’s Interest News

GIT Corp. announces release of SPORTS ILLUSTRATED Swimsuit Issue Complete Digital Collection 1964-2020

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- GIT Corp. is excited to announce the release of the SPORTS ILLUSTRATED Swimsuit Issue Complete Digital Collection 1964-2020. This digital collection features all 57 SPORTS ILLUSTRATED Swimsuit Issues, published since 1964.
NY Matchmaker Carly Spindel

NY Matchmaker Carly Spindel Is Seeking an Investment Of $650,000 For 10% of Flash Match NYC

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Carly Spindel, a second-generation matchmaker, and founder of Janis Spindel Serious Matchmaking Inc., recently created the first of its kind: online dating + online matchmaking + one-on-one matchmaking = Flash Match NYC.

Old Guy Skincare Launches All-natural Products Made for the Care of Older Men’s Skin

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- With its mission to put the bounce back into older men's skin, Old Guy Skincare™ LLC introduces its first two all-natural skincare products to the American market. Founded by three "old guys," the new Massachusetts-based company offers a simple two-step program to help refresh and rejuvenate men's skin that's "been there and done that."

NouFlex Launches Versatile Space-Saving Fitness System and Virtual Workout Options for the Home

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- NOUFLEX LLC today announced the launch of its NouFlex Training System products, Virtual Group Workout Classes and Virtual Personal Training Sessions. These offerings bring boutique-style fitness training into your home, eliminating the need for bulky, room-eating and costly home gym equipment.

Boone and Crockett Club Craft Whiskies now distributed by Anheuser Busch beer distributors across Kansas

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The conservation of wildlife and the habitats they depend upon is the reason why Theodore Roosevelt founded the Boone and Crockett Club in 1887. Prestige Imports LLC and Kansas Craft Alliance has partnered with this respected organization to create, produce, and distribute a line of Boone and Crockett Club Craft Whiskies.

Unlearning to Fly: A Pilot’s Powerful Memoir Takes Readers from the Ground to the Sky

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- A new memoir, a powerful coming of age tale, is set to release this fall. "Unlearning to Fly: A Memoir of Navigating the Turbulence and Bliss of Growing Up in the Sky" (ISBN: 978-1735641300), gives a detailed account of how the author, Russ Roberts, not only helped blow up his backyard with dynamite, but also shared a Volkswagen with a moose.

National Bourbon Heritage Month 2020: 30 Days of Bourbon Celebration

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- We can all agree that 2020 has been a tough year, that America needs a drink, and we're damn sure it's not bleach; it's a better word also beginning with "b." Join your fellow Americans in drinking your fair share when whiskey review and storytelling website Bourbon & Banter kicks off its annual "30 Days of Bourbon Celebration."

‘Circumcision Scar’ by Jay J. Jackson is a New Memoir Revealing How the World’s Oldest Religious Sacrifice Became Dubious Medical Mandate

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- "Circumcision Scar" (ISBN: 978-1734555806), an unflinching memoir by Jay J. Jackson, details his lifelong struggle with recurring nightmares that he ultimately realized were repressed memories of his neonatal circumcision.

Noted Shoe Designer Mark Schwartz Launches a New Era of Men’s Fashion Forward Shoes

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Throughout Mark Schwartz's 35-year career as a successful women's shoe designer, he has always secretly wanted to design and make handmade men's shoes. Now, he's done it and his new men's shoes collection will be available this fall/winter.

Classic Car Video: Camera-crane Co. Started Shooting Iconic Cars for Free When Pandemic Stopped TV Production in NYC

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The alluring beauty of classic automobiles is the subject of short videos by television camera-crane specialist Howard Heitner, launching as Classic Car Video. The series starts with heavyweights of classic car subculture: A rare '69 Corvette; and the celebrated '64.5 Original Mustang.