case management systemPHOENIX, Ariz. /eNewsChannels/ — Leading consulting and systems integration company Business & Decision has announced the global launch of its Mi-Case solution. This powerful web-based case management system, which enables offenders and service users to be tracked through interventions and treatments, is designed to facilitate more successful outcomes in multi-agency approaches covering drug and alcohol misuse, local government, healthcare and the justice system including police, courts and probation.

From spring 2010, Mi-Case is being rolled out across Europe and North America after years of successful use by UK agencies, and following its adoption in the United States in 2009 by Maryland’s Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services. “Mi-Case is a well-established solution that delivers measurable benefits for all stakeholders,” says Ian Huckle, CEO Business & Decision UK, which developed the system. “For eight years Mi-Case has served the needs of local government, police, health services, probation, prisons and drug misuse programmes.” Over 30 Mi-Case deployments are directly linked to UK government justice-related directives and national health initiatives.

Saving time and resources while improving service levels and visibility, Mi-Case removes the need for organizations to maintain multiple and disparate information silos, internally and with partners. Instead, it enables a seamless flow of information to authorized users and partners throughout an individual’s case lifecycle or treatment. High levels of configuration means organizations benefit from a solution that not only delivers proven core capabilities but also enables features to be easily adapted to meet specific national, governmental and local needs.

A global provider with local knowledge of each market in which it operates, Business & Decision will first rollout in Europe and North America. According to Christian Oram, B&D Global Commercial Director for Mi-Case, “The advantages this solution provides – for central and local government, to agencies, their partners and service users – are clear and repeatable. We are looking forward to working with organizations in various countries to help them operate even more effectively, drawing on the Mi-Case knowledge base developed in the UK and USA to ensure smooth rollout – whatever the user requirements.”

“We are delighted to be launching Mi-Case on a more international scale,” concludes Ian Huckle, CEO of Business & Decision UK. “Many governments, health and justice systems around the world face serious challenges relating to drug and alcohol abuse, allied to other social and economic issues including crime, unemployment and housing. Mi-Case is designed to help governments to better serve the public and help those most in need through more effective case management in a multi-agency setting. History has shown that effective information sharing, in a secure way, is the key, with Mi-Case helping to deliver the more ‘joined-up’ approach governments have talked about for years – and in doing so address the needs of vulnerable people, service users, patients and offenders. Mi-Case makes it far more difficult for people to slip through the net.”

About Business & Decision:

Business & Decision is an international Consulting and Systems Integration (CSI) company. It is a leader in Business Intelligence (BI) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and a major player in e-Business, Enterprise Information Management (EIM), Enterprise Solutions as well as Management Consulting. Business & Decision contributes to the success of customer projects by driving maximum business performance. The company has a reputation for functional and technological expertise and has forged partnerships with all of the key technology vendors.

Located in 19 countries, Business & Decision currently employs more than 2500 people worldwide.

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About Mi-Case:

Mi-Case is a unique and powerful web-based case management solution that enables clients (offenders) to be tracked through their cycle of interventions and maintain a continuity of treatment and/or attention. The solution is used to underpin a multi-institutional approach to drug and alcohol abuse, local government, policing, probation, healthcare and the court system. Mi-Case is an established and well-positioned solution, with a reputation of eight years serving the local government; constabularies, drug action teams, drug intervention programmes and more recently, prisons.

Additional information is available at .

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Story References: Mi-Case SaaS, web-based case management system, Business and Decision, Consulting and Systems Integration, CSI company, CEO Ian Huckle, Christian Oram, drug and alcohol misuse, local government, healthcare and the justice system including police, courts and probation, UK, Arizona business, Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.