COLUMBUS, Ohio (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Tammy Katz, CEO of Katz Marketing Solutions, will present “8 Ways to Grow Your Food Brand with Interactive Marketing and Social Media” at the Mid-America Food Processors Association’s annual meeting on March 2, at the Embassy Suites in Columbus, Ohio. Midwest food company leaders will attend the meeting to discuss emerging trends in food marketing, labor relations, government regulations, and food safety. Mid-America Food Processors Associations provides information, programs, and university agricultural and food department research grants to strengthen the productivity of food processors in the Midwest.

Katz will discuss how small and mid-sized food companies and brands should use interactive marketing and social media strategies to grow their brands. Katz is a food and beverage brand marketing expert and Adjunct Instructor of Brand Management at the Fisher College of Business MBA Program at The Ohio State University. During the session, participants will review examples of some of the industry’s best practices and case studies, including: Stacy’s Pita Chips, Little Debbie, Sopakco, CafeMom, Hungry-Girl . com, and Whole Foods Market.

When asked about the session Katz replied, “Food companies must focus on their marketing strategy and goals, and not overreact to new tactics. While mid-sized companies can adapt and capitalize on high-growth platforms like Facebook and Twitter, they also should seize growth opportunities from more basic tools like web optimization, database marketing, and customer service.”

The presentation will offer attendees practical ways to focus on practical and immediate ways to grow sales through interactive marketing and social media, including:
1. Build competitive web presence.
2. Build and harvest customer/consumer databases.
3. Leverage customer service 2.0.
4. Monitor and listen to target consumers.
5. Capitalize on personal social media; prioritize Facebook, communities, and YouTube.
6. Network and develop business with business social media; leverage LinkedIn.
7. Market consistently across media.
8. Measure and refine programs.

About Katz Marketing Solutions:

Katz Marketing Solutions,, is a brand and marketing consulting firm that specializes in growing food and beverage and consumer products brands and businesses and is based in Columbus, Ohio.

News Source: Katz Marketing Solutions

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