eNewsChannels: risk management servicesSAN DIEGO, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ — NEWS: San Diego’s MCT Trading, Inc. (Mortgage Capital Trading), a recognized leader in mortgage pipeline hedging, outsourced lock desk and risk management services, today announced that it relocated its corporate HQ to a larger facility. The move provides MCT with the necessary infrastructure to accommodate its increasing growth and the capacity to continue delivering elevated support to clients.

“As we grow, we want to do so at a healthy, controlled rate so we are able to continue delivering on our promise and company wide mantra of being a ‘trusted capital markets partner for our customers’ while providing the highest possible levels of hands-on customer support,” said Curtis Richins, president of MCT.

Richins added, “We’ve had significant growth over the past few years and have successfully scaled up multiple times to accommodate new clients.”

MCT’s new building nearly triples its space and is equipped to house double the number of employees. The new office is located near its previous location in downtown San Diego, which overlooks PetCo Park where the Padres baseball team plays.

The increased space allows MCT to add more trading analysts, which supports MCT’s unique customer service model that assigns each client its own dedicated trader. This personalized assistance provides clients with immediate responses to any questions or needs they have throughout the trading day.

In early 2013, MCT surpassed its 100th client that is using its HALO (Hedging And Loan-sale Optimization) hedging model. Additionally, the growth of MCT’s outsourced lock desk service grew exponentially in 2013, adding to the company’s need for additional office space to house its growing team of Lock Desk Analysts, as well as Trading Analysts.

MCT’s new address:
350 10th Avenue, Suite 850
San Diego, CA 92101
* All telephone numbers remain the same.

MCT has been named to the Inc. 5000 list two years in a row and also earned a spot on the prestigious Inc. 500 list. The company is comprised of a group of senior mortgage banking professionals that have years of deep experience in capital markets analysis and trading.

About Mortgage Capital Trading:

MCT Trading is a risk management and advisory services company providing independent analysis, training, hedging strategy and loan sale execution support to clients engaged in the secondary mortgage market. Founded in San Diego, California in May 2001, the company has expanded to include field sales and support offices in Philadelphia, Dallas, Charlotte, St Louis and San Francisco.

Mortgage Capital Trading (MCT) is recognized as a leading provider of mortgage pipeline hedging service and currently supports more than 100 clients on its HALO (Hedging And Loan-sales Optimization) Program. MCT also offers a service that effectively outsources a centralized lock desk for mortgage bankers called LockCentral.

For more information, please visit http://www.mct-trading.com/ or call (619) 543-5111.

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