METAIRIE, La. — Burlington National, Inc., a book publisher, announces the release of “Defeat the 7 Deadly Sins” (ISBN: 9781577066507), a non-denominational guide that explores how to conquer the seven deadly sins. According to a recent study, most people are familiar with the seven deadly sins, yet over 99 percent of Christians cannot name all of them.

And, those who can name them may not understand the sins’ finer points or how to stop committing them. They are: pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed and sloth.

“These seven deadly sins account for the majority of unhappiness, spiritual destruction, and the overall negative effect on the well being of the eternal soul,” Alan Fensin, author, explained. “These sins will send a person straight to hell.”

“Defeat the 7 Deadly Sins” provides a straight forward explanation of the sins, and gives complete details on the psychology of each one. Most importantly, it is the only book that concentrates on ways to defeat the power of these sins.

The book has a series of over 100 individual prayers that are designed to neutralize each sin and transform lives; feedback from hundreds of people provided the foundation for the prayers. For example, anger is a sin that fosters judgmental and unforgiving behavior. The prayers in this book address anger-causing thinking.

Scriptural quotes add power, though it is not a fire and brimstone book, but an uncomplicated explanation of the complex principals of the seven deadly sins.

“This book will change the way people think about sin,” Fensin said, “and, it could change their lives.”

Fensin compares the seven deadly sins to the Ten Commandments, and explains that the Commandments are about actions such as “do not kill.” The seven deadly sins concern the motivations behind these actions. For example, the sin of anger could motivate someone to be hostile towards others and lead to killing.

The author, Fensin, began his career with NASA as an electrical engineer; he was a key member of the Apollo rocket design team that landed men on the moon. He later earned an advanced degree in Behavior Analysis, which helped him to understand human motivation.

During the early 1990s, Fensin discovered the seven deadly sins and the system for choosing spiritual prayers to defeat these sins. He believes that this knowledge changed his life, and expanded his spiritual growth. Fensin has been a lecturer and spiritual director for the last fifteen years.

For more information including a downloadable sample chapter, visit: , or contact the publisher: Book Division; Burlington National Incorporated; Box 732; Metairie, LA 70004.

“Defeat the 7 Deadly Sins” (ISBN-13: 978-1577066507, ISBN-10: 1577066502) is 240 pages; it is $14.95 and is available from most leading book dealers including

[tags]author Alan Fensin, Burlington National Inc, Louisiana book publisher, seven deadly sins book[/tags]

Tabitha Angel Berg is an aspiring author and musician and joined eNewsChannels in Nov. 2006 as an editor and mistress of the WP-based content management system (CMS). She likes ferrets better than cats and tea better than coffee, and is a devout iPad evangelist. Nobody pays her to like Dr. Pepper, but wouldn't you like to be a pepper, too?