FORT COLLINS, Colo. — Scientific research, development, software, and consulting company, Numerica Corporation, has just announced the hiring of the following personnel: Randy Paffenroth, Ph.D. as Computational Scientist V, and Stephanie Chan as Research Scientist I.

The company, which has demonstrated its success through expanding and new account growth, consistent staff expansion, and outstanding levels of client satisfaction and retention, is committed to providing leading edge algorithm design and development, computational science, modeling and simulation, and systems engineering, and to solve its clients’ most complex information science problems.

Dr. Randy Paffenroth holds a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Maryland, and two Bachelors Degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science, respectively, from Boston University. Dr. Paffenroth’s experience and knowledge in the areas of mathematics and computer science will allow him to directly impact many of Numerica’s projects.

Stephanie Chan earned a Bachelors Degree from the California Institute of Technology, majoring in Applied and Computational mathematics. Miss Chan will be using her academic training to develop and implement numerical algorithms for Numerica. The addition of Dr. Paffenroth and Miss Chan will increase Numerica’s capacity, generate continued growth and drive the company’s future success.

Located in Northern Colorado, Numerica Corporation was formed in the spring of 1996 to bring CEO Aubrey Poore’s award-winning and patented technology for multi-sensor, multi-target tracking systems to the defense industry. Since then, Numerica has expanded to work with multiple industries to solve some of the most complex scientific and mathematical challenges in tracking and other closely related areas.

For more information about Numerica or the services it provides, contact Jeff Poore at (970) 419-8343 or visit them on the web at

[tags]Numerica Corporation, scientific research software, Colorado business growth[/tags]