SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Rinker and Associates, a career coaching and consulting business focused on baby boomers, has expanded its services to address the needs of recent college graduates. More than 1.5 million new college grads will make their way into the real world this year. While their baby boomer parents are managing an “empty nest” transition, new grads are struggling with their own transition into the “real world.”

Many college campus career offices focus on ensuring the student graduates rather than address the real world needs of the student in preparation for their job search. In response to a growing need, Rinker and Associates will assist these new job seekers with verbal communication and networking skills, resume writing, and interviewing finesse.

Human resources managers say that 85% of new grads are significantly unprepared to be interviewed let alone hired in the real world of business. Most fledglings make the mistake of relying heavily on a chronological listing of what they’ve done rather than what they can do. For the most part, there is no “story” in their resume, just data without context.

“More and more of our boomer clients are asking us to assist as a career coach for their kids who are graduating from college,” said Ms. Rinker, Principal Careerist with Rinker and Associates. “It’s very interesting working with both ends of the ‘age’ spectrum particularly with the sound-byte communication styles and fast track career preferences of the younger client.”

Clients of the “new grad” program offered by Rinker and Associates will have direct access to Ms. Rinker as their business career coach. Additionally, Rinker and Associates will help new college grads learn business etiquette and protocol commonly utilized in the corporate world. Focus topics include making the best first impression, networking techniques, business correspondence, and navigating organizational structures.

“There will be more than a million new grads this year,” said Ms. Rinker. “It’s time to realize there is nothing more important than starting them on the right foot as they enter the economic workforce.”

About Rinker & Associates
Rinker and Associates is focused on business advancement and career transition. Servicing people who are planning their next career step or re-entry to the workforce; Rinker and Associates specializes in the niche market comprised of “Baby Boomers.”

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[tags]Rinker and Associates, career coaching and consulting, baby boomers, Lorraine Rinker[/tags]