S.F. Mayor Edwin M. LeeSAN FRANCISCO, Calif. /California Newswire/ — Today, S.F. Mayor Edwin M. Lee issued the following statement on San Francisco’s unemployment rate dropping to 5.4 percent in April from an adjusted 6.1 percent in March, based on preliminary unemployment numbers released by the California Employment Development Department (EDD):

“San Francisco’s steady economic recovery is the result of our continued focus on job creation, education and training residents for the demands of the 21st century workforce. San Franciscans are getting back to work across the spectrum of job sectors – from hospitality to construction to technology to service industry jobs and we will continue to help these sectors grow in our City.

“San Francisco’s unemployment rate today stands at a five-year low and I will continue to pursue policies that get people back to work, support San Francisco families and invest in our City’s future.

“This Summer through San Francisco Summer Jobs +, we are setting an aggressive goal of putting 6,000 youth to work in paid jobs and internships, and I will continue working hard to make sure all San Franciscans have access to good paying jobs.”

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