SparksPlus - Wendy Battles and Keith Morris

(SEATTLE, Wash.) — NEWS: The SparksPlus On-Demand Life Enrichment Program announces the holistic programs and esteemed speakers for the 2023 season. These video-on-demand classes, designed for seniors living in communities, feature top minds from world-class institutions, such as Yale and Pratt Design Institute, and the United Nations, to a Grammy Award musician. Twelve programs are offered, including Creative Memoir Writing, Finding Your Life’s Purpose, and How to Outsmart Cyber Criminals. SparksPlus is a division of 3rdPlus.

“Seniors living in communities want more than bingo and crafts. And we want to deliver on that by bringing thought-provoking and enriching programs to the community that engage all of the senses and support positive aging,” shared Cynthia Thurlow, Founder and Principal of SparksPlus, a division of 3rdPlus. “We are working with some of the brightest minds in the world to help transform and enhance the lives of today’s elders.”

One complimentary on-demand class is being offered for senior living communities so they can see how this holistic program can be shared and brought to life for a full sensory experience. Creative Memoir Writing 101 includes:

* A video recording of the writing course featuring Keith Morris, MFA, Professor of Creative Writing at Clemson University.

* An easy-to-follow guide for senior living life enrichment professionals, with ideas for activities to host during the video presentation and for months after.

* Table tent templates to promote upcoming sessions to residents.

* An art project, “Design Your Book Cover,” to inspire your writing, and other engaging projects are included.

Thurlow added, “This type of program is so essential for seniors who are often faced with social isolation, even when they move to active adult senior living communities. The life enrichment offerings bring people together over intellectual content and help create meaningful connections.”

“At this week’s LeadingAge Annual Meeting, life enrichment professionals were very interested in the program and expressed appreciation for quality content and activity modules for a very affordable price,” Thurlow shared.

SparksPlus is a division of 3rdPlus, a one-of-a-kind company with enhanced services to help senior living communities transform the resident experience. Founder and Principal Cynthia Thurlow has worked in advertising for 30 years and in the senior living industry for a decade. She has long held a passion to create a socially conscious company committed to positive aging. Her own family elders’ aging journeys, coupled with her deep love for healthy, organic food and her foray into restaurant ownership, have only reinforced that mission.

To receive the free on-demand class, call 888-776-5135, 206-262-1999, or email or visit:

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