SAN PEDRO, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Theater troupe Midnight Insanity and The World Mind Network are organizing a benefit comedy show for victims of the Haiti earthquake. Standing up for Haiti will take place at the historic Warner Grand Theater in San Pedro, California on March 14 at 6 p.m. All proceeds will be donated to the Haiti Fund of Doctors Without Borders.
There is a full schedule of headlining comedians who tour, headline and appear on television internationally. In addition to top billed comedians plying their trade for the benefit of those in need of continued medical attention in the wake of the January disaster, there will be a speaker offering a brief discussion of the importance of the Haitian nation to the United States throughout history, as well as a synopsis of what is currently happening and what is needed to aid in the recovery.
The Haitian National Anthem will be presented by The Apostolic Church of God Choir, L.A.’s largest Haitian Church. Many members of the church themselves lost loved ones in the quake.
There will be a short film by the students of CineInstitute in Jacmel, Haiti who filmed the devastation after their school crumbled around them.
The events taking place are tragic, and are in and of themselves not to be considered funny, but the event organizers feel that anything that can be done to help, must be done. Eight comedians currently booked and counting — all capable of headlining their own show — all on one stage united in a very special cause, doing what they do best to help others.
Confirmed acts include Jason Canning, Dakota, Bruce Jingles, Natalie Gray, Michaela Meyers, Lucas Dick, Maria Del Prete and John Clark.
Tickets available at keyword Warner Grand or go to event Website (redirects to MySpace page).
News Source: World Mind Network
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TAGS: Entertainment, Los Angeles Business, World Mind Network, Haiti earthquake benefit .