Tag: advertising

Kill the Bill: Congressional Lawmaking, Down and Dirty

eNewsChannels COLUMN: You have probably rolled your eyes while watching members of Congress argue about important legislation and then vote to kill it using...

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 30 – Word Nerd

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G - Chapter 30 - Word Nerd. Even when working full-time, I always accepted freelance writing gigs because of my deep and abiding love of writing and my deep and abiding love of receiving multiple paychecks. I'd work nights, weekends, lunchtime, breaks, whatever.

Super Bowl Personal Politics

eNewsChannels COLUMN: A sporting event where it doesn't matter who wins. A sixty-minute game crammed into four hours of television programming. An exercise in organized hype. An excuse for overeating and excessive drinking. Yup, it's Super Bowl time again. Yay! But there are battles brewing outside the game.