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Tag: Creative Writing and Poetry

BLK INK Virtual Writer’s Workshop 2023: Black Writers Workspace Cultivates the Art of Writing

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Three times self-published author and entrepreneur Michelle Jackson had no idea starting a private Facebook group would change her life. In March 2020, inspired by COVID's unexpected stay-at-home orders, Jackson took to social media to connect with writers of color and to find resources on how to market a book without leaving the confines of her home. And so, the Black Writers Workspace (BWW) online community was born.

New Poetry Book ‘Battle Angel: The Ultimate She Warrior’ Empowers Women to Find Their Inner Strength and Overcome Challenges

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Author Colleen Millsteed has announced the release of her book, "Battle Angel: The Ultimate She Warrior," (IBSN: 978-0228888727; March 2023) a collection of empowering poetry written to inspire women to tap into their inner strength and overcome the challenges of life.

California Crime Writers Conference (CCWC) is back with an in-person, two-day event to be held June 10-11, 2023

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- After going virtual in 2021 due to the pandemic, the California Crime Writers Conference (CCWC) is back with an in-person, two-day event to be held June 10-11, 2023 at the Hilton Los Angeles (Culver City). This premier conference offers panels and workshops on craft and the business of writing as well as opportunities for manuscript consultations and professional headshots at modest prices.

On new publishing platform, Triple Finale’s short story audiobook authors create fast moving storylines with triple-ending twist

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Triple Finale L.L.C. has added an exhilarating twist to short stories as a form of entertainment, by developing a virtual platform for fast-paced trilogies. We offer an audiobook/eBook marketplace platform where individuals sell their triple-ending short stories online to generate extra income.

Finding Erotica, in conjunction with Bad Academic Productions, has announced the launch of ‘Skin Anthology,’ a new video series

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Seven years ago, mother, grandmother and pole athlete / movement instructor, Sharonette Briggs, found herself stuck in a dead-end job and dealing with a devastating personal loss. Her business partner, Thomas McKenna was confronted with a cancer diagnosis that forced him to reconfigure his life in very basic and intimate terms. He shared some of his stories with Briggs and a vision was formulated to create a platform using art and writing as a healing diversion. Finding Erotica (FE) was born. (MATURE)

‘The Things They Carry’ Writing Workshops to Help Teachers, Librarians and School Personnel Process the Stress of the Past Two Years

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The Things They Carry Project (TTC), part of New Directions in Writing, an offshoot of the Washington Baltimore Center for Psychoanalysis, was launched in April 2021 to offer writing for resilience workshops to frontline Covid healthcare workers suffering the trauma of working during the pandemic. The project has helped over 700 participants from the US, Asia, Brazil, the UK, and the Middle East.

Black Writers Workspace and Obsidian WROTE Collection Launch Writing Competition for Black Creators

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Black writers, bloggers, journalists, poets, songwriters, and screenwriters now have a place to showcase their work, find writing jobs, win cash prizes, and collaborate with peers. The Black Writers Collaborative, a new literary competition designed to empower writers with a flair for crafting culture-infused works of art, is the latest brainchild of The Obsidian WROTE Collection, and the Black Writers Workspace.

Detroit-based The Eulogy Writers Reach Out to Ukrainians in Distress, supporting Save the Children charity

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The Eulogy Writers (TheEulogyWriters.com), America's leading eulogy writing service, established in 2014, today announced that a portion of every fee collected will be donated to the Save the Children® charity, designated for the assistance of Ukrainian refugees.

For Youth Poets of Color, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center Launches New Prize Awarding $10K in Contests and Scholarships

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Beyond Baroque, one of the nation's leading literary arts centers, has announced that the Amanda Gorman Future Voices Poetry Prize is now actively accepting applications. The prize, created in honor of Beyond Baroque alumna and U.S. Presidential Inaugural Poet Amanda Gorman, will accept applications until May 1, 2022.

Direct2Author is New Online Bookstore Marketplace for Self-Published Authors Struggling to Compete on Amazon

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The self-publishing book industry's exponential growth has taken the world by storm. Opening doors once closed to unknown writers, self-publishing creates an alternative - some may say disruptive - option for writers with a small fan base to share their work and build brand awareness on a global scale. Empowered by the popular do-it-yourself movement, a new direct-to-customer bookselling platform, Direct2Author.com, launched in December.