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Author Jill Young challenges entrepreneurs to create thinking companies in new book, THE THINKING ADVANTAGE

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Many employees believe they aren't being paid to think. In "The Thinking Advantage," author Jill Young shares the dynamic algorithm for creating and building a strong company. When everyone at the company is really thinking, miraculous changes can happen!

Author and Speaker Jill Young Teaches Employees How to Improve Themselves and Their Workplaces with the Release of ‘The Earning Advantage’

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Jill Young, author, speaker, and founder of TractionFirst releases a new book providing bosses a way to help their employees earn more. Most employees lack clarity about how their performance connects to the value they create for their company. "The Earning Advantage" (ISBN: 978-1647462758) is a unique resource for employees to earn more money while promoting their company's growth.