Tags Health and Medical

Tag: Health and Medical

Pure Transplant Solutions Collaborates with the Department of Surgery at the University of Cambridge on HLA Research

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Pure Transplant Solutions, LLC (PTS), a collaboration driven biotechnology company focused on the development of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-based diagnostics and therapeutics within the field of transplantation, is proud to announce that it has entered into a research collaboration with The University of Cambridge Abdominal Transplant Centre at Addenbrooke's Hospital.

Kalyagen Releases Free eBook, ‘The Stemregen Effect – Tapping into the Power of Your Own Stem Cells’

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Kalyagen® has announced the release and availability of a free eBook, "The Stemregen Effect - Tapping into the Power of Your Own Stem Cells," which provides an overview of how stem cells are the body's repair system and how STEMREGEN®, a natural stem cell enhancer, has been documented to increase the number of circulating stem cells by stimulating Endogenous Stem Cell Mobilization (ESCM).

Science-Based Kidney Supplement, KIDNEY RESTORE, Helping 50,000+ To Support Good Kidney Health

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- This scientific kidney supplement offers exceptional benefits to support good kidney health and paves the way for normal kidney function. Robert Galarowicz, a kidney sufferer and the founder of Healthy Kidney Inc., has created a breakthrough natural kidney remedy by combining the very best of kidney-restorative nutrients.

Spodak Dental Group Partners with the Delray Beach Police Department to Provide a Safe Remote Location During 2021 Hurricane Season

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- With hurricane season approaching, the Spodak Dental Group team once again partners with the Delray Beach Police Department to provide the disaster relief team a safe "home base" shelter in the event of a severe weather occurrence.

South Carolina’s MD On Demand, Now Offers Affordable Health Care In The U.S.

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- MD On Demand now provides patients with access to high-quality doctors and nurses in the U.S., whether or not they have health insurance, while saving the patient valuable time and the costly expenses.

2021 C. diff. Symposium developed to support and guide patients, families, and caregivers through a C. difficile illness

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The C Diff Foundation will host a free, live-online, and interactive symposium on Friday, July 16, 2021, from 1 to 3 p.m. EDT. Sponsored by Seres Therapeutics, the event is designed for patients who are being treated for a C. diff. infection (CDI) in addition to those who are recovering or who have experienced CDI recurrences.

Ombudsman Services of Contra Costa, Solano and Alameda rebrands as Empowered Aging

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Today, Ombudsman Services of Contra Costa, Solano and Alameda, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting the needs of seniors, adults with disabilities, and their families, announced an official rebrand to Empowered Aging.

C DIFF Foundation announces new book, ‘Managing a C. difficile Infection: For Patients, Families, and Caregivers’

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- In the new book, "Managing a C. difficile Infection: For Patients, Families, and Caregivers" (ISBN: 979-8519789851), Nancy C. Caralla, three-time C. diff. Survivor, Founding President of the C Diff Foundation, and Karen F. Factor, MS, RD. LDN, Nutrition Wellness Chairperson, share their knowledge and experience with patients, family members, and caregivers who have been impacted by a CDI infection.

New study: Transcriptomics of type 2 diabetic and healthy human neutrophils

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Scientists are pursuing novel strategy to understand the source of inflammation in chronic diseases at the molecular level. Dr. Marcelo Freire at The J. Craig Venter Institute, is among the scientists conducting this provocative research and he's the lead and senior author of a recent study, 'Transcriptomics of type 2 diabetic and healthy human neutrophils.'

Brian J. Sheen, Ph.D. is happy to announce the release of his new online Master Class, ‘Overcoming Today’s Stress, Anxiety and...

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- International researcher and author, Brian J. Sheen, Ph.D. is happy to announce the release of his new online Master Class, "Overcoming Today's Stress, Anxiety and Assault on Health."