Tags Health and Medical

Tag: Health and Medical

The Pink Fund and Houston Area Fred Astaire Dance Studios Seek Breast Cancer Survivors for Nationwide Fundraising Event

HOUSTON, Texas -- Are you a survivor? Do you know a survivor? Has breast cancer affected your life in any way? If so, Dancing With The Survivors(R) presented by The Pink Fund, which makes its way to Houston on October 9, 2016 at the Crystal Ballroom Houston, is the event for you.

Calif. State Leaders and Dental Plans Join Forces with the Center for Oral Health to Kick Off ‘Early Smiles’

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- In an unprecedented effort to address oral health disparities in the Sacramento region, the Center for Oral Health (COH), in partnership LIBERTY Dental Plan, Health Net and Access Dental plans, will kick off "Early Smiles" - a collaborative and innovative School Based Oral Health Program - today, at the State Capitol. The initiative has a goal of serving 12,000 children in Sacramento-area elementary schools in its first year.

MostFit Adds Esteemed Athletes and Coaches to Master Trainer Team and Ramps Up for IDEA World and NSCA Conventions

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- MostFit is swiftly growing its Master Trainer and Ambassador team to include renowned trainers and athletes who will represent the brand and products via trainings, certifications and conference presence.

Shopping for Long-Term Care Insurance Can Be Uniquely Frustrating, says ACSIA Partners

KIRKLAND, Wash. -- If you're in the market for long-term care insurance, you may be in for a long, exasperating slog, according to ACSIA Partners, one of America's largest long-term care insurance agencies. "Unfortunately, LTC insurance isn't an easy thing to buy," says Denise Gott, the company's CEO. "You can't just comparison shop for it as you can for a TV or refrigerator."

C. diff. Survivors Join International Topic Experts to Discuss Global Problems Around Leading Healthcare-acquired Infection Clostridium difficile

ATLANTA, Ga. -- C Diff Foundation's 4th Annual International Raising C.diff. Awareness Conference and Health EXPO will be hosted in Atlanta, Ga. on September 20, 2016. A panel of C. diff. survivors will join world-renowned experts delivering presentations on health care topics pertaining to the most common pathogen identified, a leading healthcare-associated infection (HAI) in U.S. hospitals alone: Clostridium difficile (C. diff.).

MyDoctorsChat Fully Embraces the AMA’s New Ethical Guidelines for Telemedicine

HOUSTON, Texas -- MHIT Business Services, Inc. - the parent company of MyDoctorsChat - a fully scalable, HIPAA compliant enterprise mobile telemedicine software solution for doctors, patients and healthcare organizations believes that the evolution of telemedicine technology offers improved access to healthcare and provides new, sophisticated opportunities for healthcare providers to address their patients' unique healthcare needs.

Gamma Medical Research announces the use of Telemedicine in Clinical Research

MCALLEN, Texas -- Gamma Medical Research, Inc., headed by Dr. Roberto Mangoo-Karim, is excited to announce the licensing of My Doctors Chat to provide Telemedicine in its clinical research programs. Gamma Medical Research, a company dedicated to compassionate medical care and scientific progress, is advancing science and innovation through clinical investigation by conducting pharmaceutical research trials.

Enjoying Your Green Spaces Safely This Memorial Day

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Enjoying the great outdoors is one of the many things summer offers, says Project EverGreen. Whether it is hiking or camping at a state or national park, going to your community park for a picnic or simply having fun in your own backyard, enjoying green spaces is a summer ritual.
Mike Smith Named Director

Mike Smith MBA Named Director of Finance of Four Seasons Compassion for Life

FLAT ROCK, N.C. -- Michael "Mike" Smith, M.B.A., and Certified Health Care Financial Professional (or CHFP), has been named director of finance with Four Seasons Compassion for Life. Smith attributes Four Seasons' leaders for modeling quality personal growth and professional development.