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Tag: Kirkland

Great place to Work: Long-Term Care Insurance Leader Has Enjoyed an Unusually Long Growth Spurt, Makes INC. 5000 for 4th Year...

KIRKLAND, Wash. /eNewsChannels/ -- The economy has not been doing great, but LTC Financial Partners LLC (LTCFP) has. This month Inc. Magazine ranks LTCFP No. 2,483 among all companies, and No. 25 among companies in the insurance industry, in its annual ranking of the nation's 5000 fastest-growing companies. LTCFP also made the Inc. 5000 list in 2008, 2009 and 2010.

LTC Financial Partners LLC is looking for high-performing sales managers to build teams and drive business in key geographic areas

KIRKLAND, Wash. /eNewsChannels/ -- LTC Financial Partners LLC (LTCFP), one of the nation's most experienced long-term care insurance agencies, is looking for high-performing sales managers to build teams and drive business in key geographic areas.

LTCi Expert Denise Gott shows How to Afford Care in Spite of Weakened Government Programs

KIRKLAND, Wash. /eNewsChannels/ -- With federal purse strings tightening, Americans are likely to need a mix of private and diminished government resources to pay for their long-term care. To help people achieve the right mix, free presentations are being offered nationwide by LTC Financial Partners, LLC (LTCFP), one of the country's largest long-term care insurance agencies.

Regenerative Cellular Therapy offers Stem Cell Stimulation Therapies and E+ Peptide Cancer Vaccine Treatment

KIRKLAND, Wash. /eNewsChannels/ -- Many Americans - unsatisfied with traditional treatments for cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and other intractable diseases - are looking south for advanced remedies. 'We're struggling to keep up with demand,' says Dr. Oscar E. Castro, head of Regenerative Cellular Therapy (RCT).

LTC Financial Partners announces the availability of hundreds of experts who will speak to local groups supporting new national 3in4 Need...

KIRKLAND, Wash. /eNewsChannels/ -- Today LTC Financial Partners, LLC (LTCFP) announces the availability of hundreds of experts who will speak to local groups supporting a new national awareness campaign. The campaign is titled 3in4 Need More, www.3in4needmore.com, and it is about educating Americans on all their long term care planning options.

Long-Term Care Independence: Promoting Personal Freedom for Caregivers and Those Needing Care

KIRKLAND, Wash. /eNewsChannels/ -- On Independence Day, if you're a potential long-term caregiver or one who may need care, why not resolve to protect your own independence in the years to come? This advice comes from LTC Financial Partners, LLC (LTCFP), one of America's largest and most experienced long-term care insurance agencies.

Well-Intentioned Bill Threatens to Boost Insurance Rates and Undermine Care: California Long-Term Care in Jeopardy

KIRKLAND, Wash. /eNewsChannels/ -- Concerned that long-term care insurance rates might go up? 'The California Assembly feels your pain,' says Cameron Truesdell, CEO of LTC Financial Partners LLC, 'but they just passed a bill, AB 999, that will only make matters worse if the State Senate also passes it.' LTCFP is one of America's largest and most experienced long-term care insurance agencies, representing multiple carriers.

LTC Expert Denise Gott Will Sound an Alarm About the Lack of Preparation for Longer-Lasting Illnesses and Injuries

KIRKLAND, Wash. /eNewsChannels/ -- Scant planning for long-term care is a big problem in America. Prudential Financial Inc. notes that 74 percent of consumers ages 55 to 65 (about three in every four) polled for a recent survey said they are concerned about needing some kind of long-term care. 'Yet nearly 54 percent of Baby Boomers, now entering their retirement years, believe Medicare or health insurance will cover their long-term care needs, when they won't,' says Denise Gott of LTCFP.

Financial advisors should warn seniors about need for long-term care strategy, says Jonas Roeser of LTCFP

KIRKLAND, Wash. /eNewsChannels/ -- A New Jersey naval architect watched helplessly as over $1 million dollars disappeared into the health-care system. Like most middle-class Americans, the naval architect and his parents had missed an estate planning gap. Their financial advisors missed it too. No long term care insurance. 'This was an expensive omission,' says Jonas Roeser, of LTC Financial Partners.

At National LTCi Producers Summit, LTC Expert Cameron Truesdell Points to Huge Opportunities in Worksite Sales

KIRKLAND, Wash. /eNewsChannels/ -- In the long-term care insurance (LTCi) sales field, business has been pretty flat for the past few years. 'But that can change dramatically if we're willing to reinvent ourselves,' said Cameron Truesdell of LTCFP in a keynote speech at the 2011 National LTCi Producers Summit.