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Beyond Baroque

Beyond Baroque to Mark 50th Anniversary in 2018 – Starts Celebration Early

eNewsChannels NEWS: (VENICE, Calif.) -- Beyond Baroque, one of the nation's leading independent Literary Arts Centers, is planning a year-long celebration of its 50th anniversary in 2018. Guided by the nonprofit's Executive Director, Richard Modiano, and council of prominent artist-curators, a program of activities commencing January 1, 2018, will take place at Beyond Baroque's Venice location and in venues throughout Los Angeles.

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 28 – Dazed and Amused

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G - Chapter 28: Dazed and Amused. High as a kite, that's what I was. More expressively, I was as high as a helium-filled balloon that had just escaped the grasp of a perplexed five-year old kid who was now wondering why gravity wasn't bringing back his rapidly disappearing toy.

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 23 – Mouthing Off

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G - Chapter 23: Mouthing Off. Some of my previous odes to self-pleasure are having an influence in the world, starting with the FookMovie production of the 'Free Nude Photos' music video and continuing in this caprice.... Please join us now in celebration of one the greatest contributions America has made to world culture: The Talk Show!

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 20 – Road Trips and Book Reports

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G - Chapter 20 - Road Trips and Book Reports. I have spent a lot of time in motel rooms. It's not what you think. For my parents, a great vacation was a drive across the nation. So, from an early age, I was in a family that was devoted to the Road Trip. And since we didn't sleep in our car, I learned a bit about Holiday Inns, Best Westerns, Econo-Lodges, Motel 6s, etc.

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 19 – Cheating Death

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G - Chapter 19 - Cheating Death. Death has often come looking for me. The encephalitis. The emissions from the nuclear factory. The DDT. And there were a couple of spectacular automobile crashes. But in addition, I've gone through a whole bunch of near-death experiences, including elementary school, Catholic school, middle school, and high school.

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 18 – Vengeful God

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G - Chapter 18 - 'Vengeful God.' As I was growing up, lots of people spent lots of time trying to get me into a cult. Unfortunately, my family was part of this effort. 'Give it a try,' they said, speaking about one group or another. If it wasn't the Quakers, it was the Baptists. If it wasn't the Baptists, it was the Lutherans. If it wasn't the Lutherans, it was the Catholics. And so on.

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 17 – 'Secret Sex'

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G - Chapter 17 - 'Secret Sex.' When my family moved to Los Angeles, my dad went to work for a drink tank. No, that's not right. Think tank. Yeah, that's what I meant. Not a fake one like the Cato Institute or the Heritage Foundation. Those are ersatz 'research' groups funded by the Koch brothers. Fortunately, my dad worked at an actual think tank.

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 15 – Switch On, Switch Off

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G - Chapter 15: Switch On, Switch Off. Having access to the high school auditorium public address system proved to be quite beneficial for the drama students. We attached a switch to the snipped wires so we could use the P.A. when we needed it for play production.

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 14 – Backstage Pass

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G - Chapter 14 - Backstage Pass. My parents liked going to the movies, so I was introduced to lots of different kinds of films when I was a kid. (Yes, this is a bit of a flashback -- we'll be doing that from time to time, but don't worry, I'll try to warn you.)

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 13 – Hi, School

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G - Chapter 13 - Hi, School. You may not believe it, but the powers-that-be at middle school allowed me to move on to high school. Go figure. I believe they said something like 'After in-depth deliberation, it is our judgment that it will be to the reciprocal mutual advantage of all concerned parties that John Scott now move forward with the next stage of his educational pursuits.' Translation: get this guy the hell out of here.