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Tag: New Websites

Custom plastic injection molding firm, Proto Plastics, re-invents their web presence to better serve clients

TIPP CITY, Ohio /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Proto Plastics of Tipp City today announced the roll-out of their new website. Proto Plastics partnered with Bash Foo, a digital marketing company also in Tipp City to build a new website that would better communicate their services, products and solutions.

RXCut Plus announces new website designed to help people get the best prescription drug prices

DOVER, Pa. /eNewsChannels/ -- RXCut(R) Plus announced this week a new website that is designed to help people get the best prescription price available. 'Our cutting-edge pharmacy price search is tightly integrated with Google Maps technology making it faster and easier for people to access pharmacy information,' Gerard Ferro, founder and CEO RXCut(R) Plus, says.

Reboot my Marriage: Relation-ships.org Website Helps Put the Spark Back Into Marriage

YORK SPRINGS, Pa. /eNewsChannels/ -- A new website, Relation-ships.org, claims to help people to reboot their marriage. It provides useful lessons, tips, advice and most importantly - solutions.

Dr. Jaime Viancos launches CommunityJourney.com

SUGARLAND, Texas /eNewsChannels/ -- Jaime Viancos is the owner and operator of the website Community Journey, as well as a devoted world traveler. For those seeking advice and insight on traveling the world, his site provides all that and more. He hopes to enlighten those who desire to travel, but simply cannot.

EGIVA Web Portal Launched by GIV-N-GET LLC to Help Give Away Free Stuff

PLACERVILLE, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- When the closet holds more things you don't use than things you do, when the garage is so full of stuff that you can't put a car in it or the basement is too full to hold another box, a new web site: EGIVA.com launched by three people to promote local generosity and giving (Company Name: GIV-N-GET LLC) offers a way to give your things away directly to others for FREE.

WintervilleRecreationalCenter.com offers the youth of Winterville, North Carolina, a safe haven to play and stay active

WINTERVILLE, N.C. -- One man has a vision: his name is Leroy Daniels. That vision is to build a Recreational Center in Winterville, North Carolina that focuses on children; children that need guidance and good role models to help them stay on the right track to finish school, stay active, and prosper into health adults.

New Web Site Reveals Street Pricing of Computer Components

ROCHESTER, N.Y. -- RFQ Resources announces an innovative price-monitoring site where channel resellers can quickly extract street pricing for computer components. For the first time, B2B buyers and resellers can receive competitive pricing for components without expending hours in research and quotation requests.

Online voice over marketplace Voices.com launches the next generation of their Website, now 10X faster

LONDON, Ontario -- Time is money, and when both are of the essence, there's a need for speed that cannot be ignored. Voices CEO David Ciccarelli and his team recently revealed the newly redesigned site to their customers and have received a significant amount of support from members of the service, particularly as it relates to how quickly the website pages load.

Largest Online Travel Agency in Australia Launches Operation in the United States: Webjet.com

TAMPA, Fla. -- Webjet Ltd., Australia's largest and most successful online travel agency, is excited to announce the launch of its U.S. affiliate. Operating as a fully independent online travel agency, Webjet.com is committed to help U.S. customers search through millions of airfare and flight combinations to find the best deal for international itineraries.

200Linx – The Ultimate iPad Start Page

NEW YORK, N.Y. -- Apple's new iPad(TM) is the best way to experience the Web. 200Linx is the best Web site to experience the iPad. 200Linx has released 200Linx.com, the home page that brings you everything that's good on the Internet in one click, at one place.