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Tag: TEDx conferences

TEDxIVC Announces Speaker Applications for 2020 Event at Irvine Valley College in California

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- TEDxIVC recently announced their speaker applications for those interested in giving a TEDx Talk at the event, which will take place in the Performing Arts Center at Irvine Valley College on March 6, 2020. The theme of the event is "Modifying Human Perception" which is intended to introduce the audience to, as stated on TED's page, a "hidden array of thoughts and ideas that will effectively challenge our perspectives on life."

Inaugural TEDx KenmoreSquare conference aims to Forge the Future at Hotel Commonwealth

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- What do sharks, marathons, dizziness, and pornography have in common? These are just some of the topics that speakers will cover at the inaugural TEDxKenmoreSquare. For the past year, organizers have been curating the event, to be held at Hotel Commonwealth on April 5, 2019.