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Tag: women empowerment

New Poetry Book ‘Battle Angel: The Ultimate She Warrior’ Empowers Women to Find Their Inner Strength and Overcome Challenges

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Author Colleen Millsteed has announced the release of her book, "Battle Angel: The Ultimate She Warrior," (IBSN: 978-0228888727; March 2023) a collection of empowering poetry written to inspire women to tap into their inner strength and overcome the challenges of life.

Self-Love and Sisterhood Summit 2023 announced: 3-day life-changing EXPERIENCE for WOMEN in a trusted safe space

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Sexy Diva World, Inc. will host its inaugural Self-Love & Sisterhood Summit on February 3-5, 2023 at Margaritaville Lake Resort, Lake Conroe. Award-winning fitness competitor and 2 time NPC bodybuilding champion Charlene Taylor, the founder, owner, and CEO of Sexy Diva World, is proven to empower and inspire women to embrace self-love and sisterhood, take their power back, and unleash their "Sexy Diva."

TELL(h)ER Storytelling and Empowerment Summit 2020 Comes to Los Angeles and Puerto Rico

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Coming April 24-26, The TELL(h)ER Summit 2020 is dedicated to providing a space for humans of all backgrounds to tell their stories. Not limited to writers and authors; the three-day summit curated by diverse industry professionals guide attendees (or TELLERS) through the expiration of storytelling in a multitude of creative outlets.

Golsa Sarabi speaks on Empowerment for Women, including Iranian Women’s Movement for Freedom of Choice

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- "I'm a woman ... living in the 21st century. My existence is not a crime, and it's not for trade. I have the right to choose, and my choice is freedom, liberty, and persistence," says Golsa Sarabi an international actress and a business entrepreneur. Being a woman means to have strength, to stand up, and to fight! To fight for freedom, for equality and for change. You are not alone ... I'm standing with you.