MOUNTAIN LAKES, N.J. — Visionsoft, a U.K.-based software company announces the launch of a new software product that allows parents to control their child’s online chat time: Mom Says No(TM) allows parents to easily control Internet and online chat activity including MSN; parents can set start and end times without unnecessary confrontation.

“We developed this product out of personal need,” Richard Ward, Managing Director, Visionsoft, explained. “My child was spending hours online chatting with peers with continued promises to end sessions after repeated requests. After talking with other parents, I realized that I was not alone.”

Mom Say No(TM) simply warns the user when time is running out and gives the child enough time to sign off with friends.

MomSaysNo The software is easy to use. The user selects the name from a list and decides how long sessions can last, and when they can take place. For example, if a parent does not want his child chatting before homework is completed or after bedtime, access to MSN or other similar chat sites will not be available during those pre-set times.

During allotted times, children can chat freely. As the end time approaches, a series of clocks appear displaying a countdown of remaining minutes. Final minutes are digitally displayed leaving the user plenty of time to say goodbye. Parents can issue “bonus minutes” and alter times and days as needed.

While children are not able to chat during restricted times, they can still have access to the Internet; Internet restrictions are also available.

If an attempt to run chat sessions is made during off-limit times, a polite reminder informs of when the next session may begin.

“Mom Says No is a polite way of letting children know what parents want while still giving them the freedom to chat with their friends during approved times. Children learn to respect these boundaries,” Ward explained.

Visionsoft ( has been helping companies and individuals to manage their IT assets since 1989; headquartered in the U.K., they also have offices in the U.S., Australia, and France.

Mom Says No(TM) retails for $19.95 and can be downloaded by visiting: .

All trademarks acknowledged.

[tags]Visionsoft Limited, Richard Ward, MomSaysNo, Mom Says No software[/tags]