LOS ANGELES, Calif. — Neotrope®, a California-based entertainment publishing company established Jan. of 1983, announced on Dec. 1st a free news feed plug-in for WordPress, the popular blog and CMS application. The plug-in allows a business site, content portal, or blogger running WordPress to easily integrate custom news content by topics like business, computing, entertainment, medical, or travel; and micro-topics like books, music, or software. News content is powered by Send2Press® Newswire, a U.S. based news service. “We built this plug-in to make it easier for folks who didn’t cut their teeth on hand-built HTML to more easily integrate our quality news content without knowing how to write code,” said Neotrope CEO and co-founder, Christopher Simmons.

“Using the popular WordPress platform, it’s easy to install our content plug-in, then position the content on a page, or within a template; our plug-in provides quality dynamic news across 100 different topics more easily than ever before.”

To download the free WordPress plug-in (compatible with WP 2.3.3 or higher), visit the WP Plugins Directory at: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/send2press/ .

For more information on the WP plug-in and other free news feed options — including JavaScript snippets or RSS full-text feeds for news aggregators and clipping services, visit: .

About Neotrope®

Since 1983, Neotrope (www.neotrope.com) has been helping small-to-medium businesses and entertainment companies establish their brand and grow revenue. The Neotrope marketing team includes Christopher Laird Simmons, who is an award-winning designer, photographer, musician and digital artist. Other team members include accredited public relations professionals, working journalists and broadcast veterans. Simmons is a member of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), Graphic Artists Guild, and ASCAP; and has been working in the P.R. field since 1981. Simmons has been widely interviewed by publications as diverse as Entrepreneur, Chicago Post Tribune, PCWorld, and TrendWatch. Neotrope brands include Send2Press®, California Newswire®, Mindstock®, eMediaKit™, and ContextEngine®.

About WordPress

According to the company website (wordpress.org), “WordPress is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time. WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world.” WordPress had 3,816,965 downloads in 2007.

[tags]Christopher Simmons, Neotrope entertainment, WordPress Send2Press plugin, free news headlines feeds, blogging tools, CMS syndication software[/tags]