Ryan and Blair Critch

(FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.) — NEWS: Let’s be honest: What can you really do in 21 days? Well, here’s what you probably can’t do: Lose 10 lbs., learn a new language — even organizing the garage might take longer than that. But thanks to Ryan & Blair Critch, all it takes is 21 days to strengthen your Marriage. And the best part? It’s fun, easy, effective – and free!

Over their nearly 20 years together, this couple has weathered serious storms, from alcohol and pill addiction, to miscarriage, to bankruptcy. Thanks to therapy, dozens of books and hundreds of hours listening to others, they conquered their demons.

“But we realized that we weren’t putting the same energy into our Marriage as we were into things like our raising our teenage sons or even our businesses,” explains Ryan, age 43. So they turned their focus on how they could deepen their bonds in a way that fit their busy lifestyle. “That’s the genesis of the 21 Day Marriage Challenge in the Marriage Movement,” Blair adds.

Because it was so effective for them, the Critchs decided to make the “21 Day Challenge” available to all, and the results so far have been quite impressive: Over 1,000 people have taken the “challenge” and glowing testimonials are rolling in. “People learned what we did, which is that we are just so much Better Together,” Ryan says.

The process is super simple. Just go to the group Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/groups/marriagemovement/ – sign up, and start with Challenge #1. There’s no charge! You’ll join other couples who are actively working to strengthen their marriages, and get frequent postings of encouragement from Ryan and Blair themselves.

Here are a few examples of the challenges:

* #9: Gratitude changes your attitude: Write down 5 things you love about your spouse and share with them tonight.

* #21: Pick three things to do for your Spouse today that you would not normally do, then talk about the reaction.

* #12: Praise your spouse today in front of somebody else.

* #11: Go for a walk – at least 30 minutes — and leave the phones at home!

Interestingly, once Ryan and Blair harnessed the power of “Better Together,” their businesses took off: Blair, 41, is a million-dollar producer in network marketing, and Ryan runs a booming real estate company.

According to Ryan, “Now that we truly understand the power of ‘Better Together,’ we want to share it with the world. We hope that every married couple will give the 21 Day Better Together Challenge a try!”

Learn more: https://www.facebook.com/groups/marriagemovement/

For more information contact:
Valerie Krieger
For Ryan & Blair Critch
561 229 7222

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