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(​DENVER, Colo.) — NEWS: November news from the Industry Group and Kiosk Association. Events and Features This Month: First Responder Lockers and Kiosk; Bill Payment Kiosk Review; and McDonalds Deploys Accessibility to self-order kiosks.

Events and Features This Month

* First Responder Lockers and Kiosk — Our feature story on innovative new public safety lockers and kiosks from CR+M. The CR+M digital kiosk stores five CR+M belts, each containing five STOP THE BLEED® kits as well as a breaching tool and a ballistic shield. The units also provide a highly valuable real-time digital bulletin board, branding and advertising tool.

* Bill Payment Kiosk Review – an onsite review, photo gallery and discussion of 2021 payment stations used in retail telecom stores such as AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and Xfinity Comcast.

* McDonalds Deploys Accessibility to self-order kiosks — McDonalds will deploy accessibility to all owned stores by the end of the year and any new deployments to franchise stores will come with accessibility included. Featured is the integration of the JAWS screen reader and the AudioPad hardware assistive technology.

NRF in New York January — We will be showcasing accessibility in multiple form factors and in the POS space. As part of the show, the KMA and Datacap Systems have nominated PopID in the Best Payment Innovation award category. As of September 2021, PopID announced that more than 100 restaurants and retail brands now accept PopPay throughout Southern California with around 70,000 registered users and more than four million facial authentications.

On September 7, 2021, PopID announced they plan to go national. Recently, Wendy’s in Japan announced a rollout of facial payment technology by PopID. It takes less than 30 seconds to vote. Please vote for PopID at:


* First Responder Kiosk – Emergency Supply Lockers for “Stop the Bleed”

* Bill Pay Kiosks Review 2021 – AT&T Bill Pay, Verizon, T-Mobile, Xfinity Comcast

* Cashierless Store Kiosks – Starbucks and Amazon Go

* Facial Payment – PopID and SoftBank to Launch PopPay In Japan – Wendy’s

* New Kiosk Model From Evoke Creative Supplier for McDonalds

* Retail Market Research IoT Impact 2021 – The Digital Transformation

* Digital Signage Case Study – Westin dvLED Peerless-AV, NovMega, LG in Canada

For more information contact Craig Keefner, 720-324-1837 or or you can visit

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