Aligned Technology Solutions

(ALEXANDRIA, Va.) — NEWS: Aligned Technology Solutions has been recognized as part of The Financial Times list of The Americas’ Fastest Growing Companies 2021. This prestigious award is presented by The Financial Times and Statista Inc., the world-leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider.

The FT The Americas’ Fastest Growing Companies is comprised of the enterprises that contribute most heavily to economic growth. 500 companies are featured on the list, which was announced online on April 13, 2021 and can currently be viewed on the FT website.

Out of the millions of active companies in North and South America, only 500 firms were awarded in the list, and Aligned Technology Solutions is ecstatic to be recognized as one of FT’s inaugural list of The Americas’ Fastest Growing Companies 2021.

About Aligned Technology Solutions (ATS)

Since 2010 ATS has been helping organizations leverage and manage technology to grow and secure their businesses. ATS is an award-winning technology service provider delivering customized and comprehensive IT solutions for IT Outsourcing, Cybersecurity, Compliance, Cloud Solutions and Business Phone Systems. ATS is committed to providing world class customer service and best-of-breed technology solutions that provide our clients competitive advantage in their marketplace. Learn more at

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