WASHINGTON, D.C. /eNewsChannels/ — In honor of National Autism Awareness Month, the Gingrich Foundation has selected the Autism Society as Charity of the Month, recognizing the organization’s devotion to improving the lives of all individuals affected by autism spectrum disorders.

Approximately 1.5 million Americans live with autism, which has seen a 600 percent increase over the past two decades. Autism, a complex developmental disability that affects a person’s communication, socialization, and behavior, places a heavy burden on families, requiring extra time and special attention for the affected family member, in addition to what the Autism Society estimates to be $3.5 million to $5 million in cost to care for one child with autism over their lifetime.

As the nation’s leading grassroots autism organization, the Autism Society, founded in 1965, works to increase awareness and provide resources about autism spectrum disorders (ASD), as well as promote the dignity of all individuals on the spectrum. With 150 chapters across the United States, the Autism Society advocates for the best and most appropriate services for individuals and families.

“I would like to sincerely thank Newt and Callista Gingrich for supporting the Autism Society and honoring its accomplishments by naming it the Gingrich Foundation’s Charity of the Month, a move that carries particular significance during April, National Autism Awareness Month,” said Jeff Sell, Autism Society Vice President of Public Policy. “Autism is the fastest-growing developmental disability in the United States, and individuals affected by autism have great potential if they have access to the services and supports they need. By supporting the Autism Society, the Gingrich Foundation and its supporters are helping to change lives, and we thank them for their invaluable contribution.”

“The Autism Society has made remarkable advancements in increasing public awareness and supporting research to improve the lives of those affected with autism,” said Callista Gingrich, President of the Gingrich Foundation. “We are pleased to select the Autism Society as our Charity of the Month and encourage others to support their outstanding efforts.”

In recognition of National Autism Awareness Month, the Autism Society has extended its ongoing partnership with AMC Theaters to include a special 40-city screening tour of a new documentary on autism, entitled, Wretches & Jabberers (http://www.autism-society.org/about-us/national-autism-awareness-month/wretches-jabberers.html).

The Gingrich Foundation is a domestic non-profit corporation founded by Callista and Newt Gingrich to support charitable purposes.

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