Building Your Emotional PensionBOSTON, Mass. /eNewsChannels/ — Omni Publishing Co. announces the launch of a new concept in retirement planning with a Dec. 4, 2012, seminar designed to address the non-financial, soft-side of retirement. Attendees to the seminar “Building Your Emotional Pension” will be presented with the planning tools that will enable them to map out a retirement that works.

According to Publisher Henry Quinlan, most retirement planning focuses strictly on financial planning, with little attention devoted to the soft side of retirement. This is an unbalanced approach that often leaves the retiree befuddled by emotional issues that arise that money cannot address.

In preparing for retirement, many often overlook the opportunity to build a new rewarding life for possibly the next 25 to 30 years. Paying attention to the so-called soft side of retirement asks you to consider – what will your day-to-day life look like? This is the threshold question.

For example, new issues often arise in retirement for married couples. Anticipating these types of challenges and planning how to handle them will minimize any negative impact for most married couples.

Introspection and planning help soon-to-be retirees avoid the potential dangers that exist in having empty and unrewarding days, which can lead to depression and alcohol and/or drug abuse.

Seminar attendees will leave with the tools to make a flexible retirement plan that works, starting them on a new stage of life that will bring its own rewards and satisfactions.

Building Your Emotional Pension offers the following:

* Tools to fill the newly acquired 200 hours a month of free time with activities that are rewarding and self-satisfying.

* An understanding of the issues that may arise for individuals and partners in a marriage, and how to respond to them in a manner that will enhance retirement.

* A look at how issues of anxiety and identity-shift emerge for almost everyone at retirement – and how they should be confronted, not ignored.

In addition to Publisher Quinlan, seminar experts include James Ring, retired from the FBI; Judy Beatrice, professional trainer/coach; Dr. Sherry Johnson, certified nurse psychotherapist; and Joe Dionne, retired librarian/business manager, and self-described angry old man.

The seminar will take place on Dec. 4, 2012, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Conference Center at Bentley University, Waltham, Mass. Visit for details and registration.

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