Burbank Widening Citizens Group

(NORTH HOLLYWOOD, Calif.) — NEWS: The Burbank Widening Citizens Group. (“BWC Group”) announced today that it is organizing in opposition to the Burbank Blvd. Street Widening Project. The Group consists of businesses and residences situated along the affected Burbank Blvd., between Lankershim Blvd. and Cleon St. The BWC Group states, “On the heels of Covid, eighteen businesses are required to spend tens of thousands of dollars on property abatements.

“This highway project takes our property, parking, fencing, gates, and improvements and subjects the neighborhood to two years of noise, traffic disruption, and lost business, all for a highway nobody wants or needs. The call for public comment on this project occurred in 2009, as was the Project Impact filing. With the passing of twelve years since the Project CEQ Impact filing and public comment, it is mandatory that a Project Impact Re-evaluation and a re-opening of a period of public comment. The neighborhood description in the 2009 Impact statement looks nothing like the 2021 neighborhood.”

The BWC Group also notes that “the Planning Department has targeted many businesses as scofflaws who have “built in the city right-of-way” despite City permits on the improvements. There has been a lack of transparency and a failure of communication between the neighborhood and Planning Commission.” The BWC Group continues, “the bottom line is nobody wants this highway, and the neighborhood feels it’s unnecessary. The neighborhood wants a road that fits the neighborhood, not the other way around.”

The BWC Group has a petition in opposition on http://change.org/burbankblvd and the Burbank Widening Citizens Group website at https://burbankwidening.com/.

For more information: Burbank Widening Citizens Group Committee@BurbankWidening.com

Related link: https://burbankwidening.com/

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