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AMCC Selects TeamF1's Managed Access Point Solution for PowerPC 405EX Processor

AMCC and TeamF1FREMONT, Calif. -- TeamF1, Inc., the leader in embedded networking and security software, announced that it has been selected to integrate its Managed Access Point Solution software (MAPS) on to the new PowerPC 405EX processor from Applied Micro Circuits Corp. (AMCC).

The CyberAngel(R) Rescues Stolen Laptop – Stolen Computer Recovered by The CyberAngel with Wi-Trac

CyberAngel Wi-Trac DALLAS, Texas -- CyberAngel(R) Security Solutions, Inc. (CSS, Inc.) has helped facilitate the recovery of another stolen laptop in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Recently, a businessman had his company computer stolen when his car was burglarized in Midlothian, TX. Fortunately, his company uses The CyberAngel(R) with Wi-Trac to encrypt and protect sensitive data and recover lost or stolen hardware.

EBAN Mass Data Destruction Software Selected by GEEP International

EBAN 2.0DALLAS, Texas -- GEEP International, one of North America's leading electronics recyclers, has chosen EBAN 2.0 for Mass Drive Wiping as their volume data overwriting utility. The deal is one of the largest licensing agreements yet for the developers of EBAN, Techway Services, and is expected to cover 400,000 hard-drives over the life of the agreement.

Paradigm Multimedia Offers New Product that Gives Health Care Providers LCD TV Screen Size Choice

Paradigm MultimediaEUGENE, Ore. -- LCD technology is making its way into hospital-patient rooms. Until now, screen size options have been limited, but Paradigm Multimedia now offers choices while the competition offers limitations. Prior to Paradigm's new product offering - a patented tuner interface box (HT22E) - hospitals were primarily limited to a 20-inch LCD TV.

CA Certifies HostBridge as Interoperable with CA Telon and CA Gener/OL

HostBridgeLAS VEGAS, Nev. - CA WORLD -- HostBridge Technology, the provider of HostBridge software for XML-enabling CICS, today announced that CA has certified the HostBridge integration software as interoperable with CA Telon Application Generator (CA Telon) and CA Gener/OL, enabling organizations to integrate their mainframe applications with Web services platforms, application servers, or other host applications.

ClearImage Barcode 1D Pro Barcode Recognition Engines to Power DocuTrack

SUNNYVALE, Calif. -- Inlite Research Inc. announced today that Integra Group Inc, has selected the ClearImage Barcode 1D Pro and ClearImage Repair software engines for its DocuTrack pharmacy workflow application. Serving as the front end fulfillment and document tracking system for institutional pharmacies, DocuTrack demands the utmost accuracy and reliability in processing image documents.

Mass Hard-Drive Wiping Software from Techway Now Available for Computer Recyclers

DALLAS, Texas -- Techway Services, Inc. announces the availability of EBAN (Enterprise Boot & Nuke) mass hard-drive wiping software for computer recyclers. EBAN was developed for Techway Services by Toronto based software engineer Darik Horn, the developer of the highly popular and effective DBAN (Darik's Boot & Nuke) data destruction software. EBAN has two very important features for computer recyclers and IT asset management companies.

AMCC Selects TeamF1's Secure Gateway Solution with Comprehensive UTM Capabilities for Sequoia Evaluation Kit

FREMONT, Calif. -- TeamF1, Inc., a leader in embedded networking and security software, has signed an agreement with Applied Micro Circuits Corp. (AMCC) (NASDAQ: AMCC) to offer TeamF1's Secure Gateway Solution software on AMCC's Sequoia evaluation kit, which features the PowerPC(R) 440EPx embedded processor. AMCC is a leading vendor of embedded PowerPC processors and packet processors.

HVT Surpasses 150,000 LCD Panels Repaired

ATLANTA, Ga. -- Hong Video Technology (HVT), a leading outsource supplier of LCD panel repair and remanufacturing, today announced that is has surpassed 150,000 LCD panels repaired. The achievement is particularly noteworthy because more than one third of the 150,000 panels repaired were shipped in the prior six months. HVT began servicing LCD panels in 2001.

nPulse Networks Announces Secure Open-Source NetFlow Probe for Gigabit Networks

nPulse NetworksRESTON, Va. -- nPulse Networks LLC, a leading integrator of hardware acceleration tools for open-source network security and monitoring applications, has announced a new security-hardened release of its nProbe appliance. nProbe is a highly-tuned, light-weight NetFlow probe, derived from the open-source ntop project managed by Luca Deri. nPulse is the commercial representative of ntop.org in North America.