universal icon for immunosuppressed

(BOGART, Ga.) — NEWS: StickTogether.Family, whose mission is to promote awareness of the impact a community spread virus can have on the immunosuppressed, announced today the creation of a universal icon that visually communicates being immunosuppressed and encourages physical distancing efforts during the current pandemic.

“I felt the need to do what I can to protect my wife, a breast cancer survivor, for those times when venturing out in public was no longer unavoidable,” said Michael Gonyea, founder of StickTogether.Family and designer of the emblem. “I thought ahead to when people would slowly begin returning to normal routines and social activities before a COVID-19 vaccine was widely available – and how she would have to deal with that transition.”

The new symbol displays a lowercase “-i” in white text within a bright red circle reflecting a less than a 100% level of immunity and also referring to an algebraic interpretation of taking oneself (the “i” pronoun) out of the social interaction equation. The symbol retains global meaning in many languages that use the Latin alphabet such as; English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, and more.

Items utilizing the iconic symbol are available now on a variety of communication accessories. Pin buttons, stickers, magnets, T-shirts, and more can be found at https://sticktogether.family/.

A portion of each sale will go toward Camp Sunshine, a Georgia-based charity that enriches the lives of children with cancer, supporting an immunosuppressed population.

About StickTogether.Family:

Founded in April of 2020, StickTogether.Family is an entity created by Michael Gonyea. Originating as a singular effort to help his wife and family navigate returning to public and private interactions, the mission quickly grew to help all individuals who are immunosuppressed, immunocompromised, or otherwise at-risk communicate their elevated risk when exposed to a community spread virus.

About Camp Sunshine:

Camp Sunshine enriches the lives of Georgia’s children with cancer and their families through recreational, educational and support programs. Camp Sunshine is committed to providing magical moments for children with cancer and to building a community of hope where families with similar experiences draw strength from one another amid common understanding. For more information visit https://www.mycampsunshine.com/ or call (404) 325-7979. Camp Sunshine, Inc. (Georgia not-for-profit Corporation) is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

To learn more visit: https://www.StickTogether.Family.

Connect with StickTogether.Family:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StickTogetherFamily
Twitter: @Stick2getherFam
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sticktogether_family/
Website: https://www.StickTogether.Family

* LOGO link for media: https://www.Send2Press.com/300dpi/20-0423s2p-sticktogetherfamily-300dpi.jpg

Related link: https://www.StickTogether.Family

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