eSigScreen(TM) Electronic Background Check Consent Tool for the Vero Hire Recruiting System

AUSTIN, Texas — deverus today launched the eSigScreen(TM) electronic consent to background check tool for the Vero Hire Recruiting system. The electronic consent process provides four key benefits to the employer and background check companies.

Increased compliance with FCRA. With the new eSigScreen(TM) tool, each applicant is provided and must complete written authorization before submitting a job application. The consent is electronically stored with the applicant’s record, making compliance easier than ever.

Increased speed in hiring. Now, if a recruiter sees a hot prospect, they can move the applicant immediately to the screening process, resulting in faster offer times and the ability to win key talent quickly.

Lower costs in administration. With the process centralized and automated, recruiters can expect to spend less time filling out paperwork and more time looking for the right applicant. This will lower overall costs, while improving time to hire.

A more friendly process. The new eSigScreen(TM) process allows for applicants to apply for a job position anywhere at anytime just once, without having to juggle multiple forms and communications from recruiters.

“As the screening industry moves increasingly towards a fully electronic and paperless system, deverus has been able to lead the way adapting the newest technology available,” says deverus CEO, Shawn Rucks.

The Vero Hire Recruiting System allows background check and employment screening companies to offer recruiting and hiring services such as online employment applications and job boards to end users in a manner that is seamlessly connected with their current employment screening process.

The Vero Hire allows these companies to create a more consistent recruiting and hiring processes, and create additional revenue channels for its business. Additionally, The Vero Hire Career Center gives clients the ability to recruit for specific positions. It highlights the available positions, locations that are hiring, the qualifications needed for the job, and combined with the Online Employment Applications – creates a seamless recruiting process.

About deverus
Founded in 1998, deverus is the leading provider of software, integration technology, and strategic services for the background check industry. From system-to-system integration, customized and off the shelf enterprise level applications, to sophisticated tools that manage the information supply chain, deverus enables background check companies to dramatically lower operating expenses and increase revenues by connecting to customers, employees, and information sources online, anytime, from anywhere.

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[tags]background check industry, deverus eSigScreen, VeroHire Recruiting System[/tags]