AJ Gray, Mentor, Garrett Williams, Apprentice Graduate and Colton Alvey, Apprentice Graduate

(BOISE, Idaho) — NEWS: Graduates of Idaho Rural Water Association’s Registered Apprenticeship program will be recognized at the Buhl City Council meeting in Buhl, Idaho on February 14, 2022, at 7 p.m. The two city of Buhl residents, Colton Alvey and Garrett Williams are the 2nd and 3rd apprentices in the state to graduate from IRWA’s Apprenticeship Program. They will be awarded their Certificates of Completion of Apprenticeship for the occupation of Water System Operation Specialist.

Idaho Rural Water Association was the 5th rural water association in the nation to adopt and register their apprenticeship program with the U.S. Department of Labor, office of Apprenticeship.

Gary Sievers, Apprenticeship coordinator for the Idaho Rural Water Association stated, “The IRWA Apprenticeship Program is now able to reach all corners of the great state of Idaho. We currently have nearly 30 participants. Colton and Garrett were two of our first round of apprentices. Due to Colton and Garrett, we have been able to learn a lot about how to improve the overall program and make it more available to others. Their efforts have paved the way for many others.”

Colton and Garrett have worked for the city of Buhl throughout their apprenticeships. AJ Gray, city of Buhl Water System Operation Specialist and IRWA Board Member, has served as their primary mentor. After graduation, Colton Alvey plans to continue working for the city of Buhl as a Water Systems Operation Specialist. He will be testing for his level 2 license in Water Treatment and Distribution and is enjoying gaining new experience in the wastewater field. Garrett Williams is embarking on a new adventure. He has enlisted in the army and is currently in basic training.

More information about the Idaho Rural Water Association’s Apprenticeship program can be found on the IRWA website https://www.idahoruralwater.com/

About Idaho Rural Water Association

Idaho Rural Water Association (IRWA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation providing training and technical assistance to drinking water and wastewater utility systems in Idaho with populations under 10,000. IRWA is currently comprised of over 355 direct member systems in Idaho. These members elect a seven-member Board of Directors that volunteer their time to govern the Association.

Related link: https://www.idahoruralwater.com/

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