PAWLEYS ISLAND, S.C. — ROIonline LLC, an Internet Marketing company serving the industrial and business-to-business marketplace, has added streaming video products to the Internet solutions it offers its clients. Until just several years ago, Websites were static. Dial-up and ISDN connections made streaming videos slow to load sporadic in their quality. But now thanks to the huge increase of broadband connections on the World-Wide Web, videos are everywhere.

ROIonlineThis explosion in broadband connections is creating a revolution of video growth on the Web. Nowhere is the growth greater than sites using video spokespersons, short borderless videos that play when a Web page loads. Typically, an attractive spokesperson appears that welcomes the visitor to the site, explaining the capabilities of the company and pointing out other pages that are worthwhile to visit. Most videos average from 30 seconds to a few minutes in length and are proving to be a real benefit to businesses.

Rich Knapp, founder of ROIonline, points out that “Engaging the visitor quickly when visiting a Website is one of the biggest challenges today. Videos engage them immediately with a story that would require the visitor to view and read multiple pages within the Website. The video conveys the message faster and more effectively than reading a static Web page.”

This increased engagement and resulting decrease in the bounce rate from the Website, has resulted in many companies seeing a 10 to 20 percent increase in conversions. Videos are a solution that delivers a high return on investment.

“Businesses have to have the proper tools to keep their Web site competitive in a global marketplace,” Knapp explained. “Sites must continue to use cutting edge technology to stay one step ahead of their competition and tell visitors quickly why their company is a good choice to do business with.”

Each video message is custom tailored and designed to ensure ROI. ROIonline’s services include: streaming videos, Website design, product shopping cart/RFQ catalogs, search engine optimization, pay-per-click campaign management, Website tracking and analytics, Internet marketing and media placement.

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