What Every Parent Should Know About The Leading Social Networking Sites, Revealed in New DVD
WAREHAM, Mass. -- Omni Publishing Co. today announced a June 16, 2008, release date of its latest DVD, "A Parent's Guide to Social Networking...
Virtual World Museum of Robots Hosts Competition That Asks Residents to Create Robots to Wear and Display
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. -- Museum of Robots in Second Life announces the "Build-a-Robot" Competition, and invites all Second Life residents to participate. According to...
Senate Candidate Sam Kephart Unveils 'Weapon' for Bringing Issues to Voters
SPEARFISH, S.D. -- Although political campaigns for national office are hideously expensive these days, you don't necessarily have to spend big to spend smart....
First Time in Print: Wikipedia Chemistry Knowledge
PITTSBURGH, Pa. -- Knowledge Publications, a leading publisher of energy books, has put significant portions of the chemistry content of the free online encyclopedia, Wikipedia.org, in full published, printed book form and has done so in full compliance with Wikipedia's GNU Free Documentation License. The book is titled, "The Chemical Educator: for The Chemistry and Manufacture of Hydrogen" (ISBN: 978-1-60322-067-5).
My Military Experience Facebook Application Enables U.S. Military Personnel and Veterans to Locate and Communicate with Each Other
FORT BRAGG, N.C. -- Electronic Allies LLC, operators of the military career advice community SmartSoldier.com, today announced the availability of the My Military Experience Facebook application. The application, launched for final beta testing last week, allows Facebook users with military experience to display details of their military service within a seamlessly integrated box on their Facebook profile.
Uproar Relaunch Revolutionizes Casual Game Experience
LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Uproar.com, a popular entertainment and gaming internet brand created in 1995, has been re-launched by Firstlook. Originally a place for casual gamers to come and play free TV game shows like Family Feud and Jeopardy, Uproar's new community-driven site helps casual gamers to easily find the best and newest online casual games.
LocaModa Connects Social Networks to Social Locations with Interactive Out-of-Home Platform
BOSTON, Mass. -- LocaModa Inc. today introduced breakthrough social connectivity to its interactive Out-of-Home platform. LocaModa 3.0 enables mobile consumers to control and interact with social media around them using any mobile phone on any network, while also giving their friends online a window into what's happening via websites such as Facebook.
Zigback Blocker Browser Enhancement Protects Kids Online
DALLAS, Texas -- Kids are now safer while surfing the Web thanks to Zigback .com's Zigback Blocker. The Zigback Blocker is an Internet browser enhancement that creates a kid-friendly, condensed Internet by blocking millions of unverified, unknown, and potentially harmful and inappropriate web sites.
The Internet Password Organizer(TM) Can Help Manage Valuable PC and Web Info
CARY, N.C. -- If getting organized this year is a top New Year's resolution, Innovention Lab, Inc. can help. The company crafts innovative solutions to today's modern problems. Their newest creation - the Internet Password Organizer(TM) (ISBN-13: 978-0615164700) - provides Internet users with a practical solution to password management.
FunCaster Widget Makes Uploading Rich Media Easy for Web 2.0 and Social Networks
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. -- Purplenova has announced the release of FunCaster - A widget that allows users to make selective PC content directly accessible from popular social networking sites, forums and portals. The FunCaster, says the company, was developed in response to concern among Internet users about having to upload photos, videos and other personal content on to third-party servers to be able to share them with friends.