WASHINGTON, D.C. /eNewsChannels/ — The Advisory Committee on International Communications and Information Policy (ACICIP) will meet on Thursday, June 10 at 9:00 a.m. in room 1107 of the Harry S Truman Building. The ACICIP serves the U.S. Government in a solely advisory capacity regarding current issues and concerns in international communications and information policy. The public and members of the press may attend this meeting as seating capacity allows.

United States Coordinator for International Communications and Information Policy Ambassador Philip L. Verveer and ACICIP Chairman Thomas Wheeler will host the meeting.

The June 10 meeting will cover:
Discussions pertaining to various international telecommunications meetings and conferences, as well as bilateral meetings that have taken place recently.
Committee discussion of key issues of importance to communications policy interests, including:
The Internet of things
Inbound investment issues
International market access issues
Global digital divide.

Admittance to the State Department building will be by means of a pre-arranged clearance list.

Tabitha Angel Berg is an aspiring author and musician and joined eNewsChannels in Nov. 2006 as an editor and mistress of the WP-based content management system (CMS). She likes ferrets better than cats and tea better than coffee, and is a devout iPad evangelist. Nobody pays her to like Dr. Pepper, but wouldn't you like to be a pepper, too?