Remedy Network Inc. announces publication of “Remedy Network: A Millennial’s Journey on Connecting New York City Through Stories” (ISBN: 978-1984030917) by J. Caleb Perkins, an influential leader, community organizer, and public speaker. Remedy Network hosts educational talks for millennials and promotes mental health advocacy in NYC.

Remedy Network Inc

Writer Encourages Young Professionals to Pursue Their Purpose

(NEW YORK, N.Y.) — NEWS: Remedy Network Inc. announces publication of “Remedy Network: A Millennial’s Journey on Connecting New York City Through Stories” (ISBN: 978-1984030917, paperback) by J. Caleb Perkins, an influential leader, community organizer, and public speaker.

What seemed like pure happenstance was truly a date with destiny, as then 23-year-old J. Caleb Perkins browsed through the New Yorker Magazine while on his lunch break at his corporate job in Oklahoma. Perkins soon discovered the heart-wrenching story of Bronx native Kalief Browder. Kalief was wrongfully convicted of a crime, spent nearly three years at Riker’s Island and sadly committed suicide at 22 years old.

Empowered to make a difference and moved to enact change, Caleb left his job weeks after and moved to New York City to begin Remedy Network Inc. in 2015.

Perkins now reflects on wise words of his mentor that inspired him to write his book, “That which saddens you the most is what you’re designed to solve, and that which angers you the most is what you’re designed to fix.”

Now 26, Perkins’ vision is to see properly resourced millennials who are equipped to reach their personal and professional goals, well rounded in their mental health and educated in all spheres of societal influence.

Caleb’s new book is a practical guide for millennials who desire the courage to start an initiative of change and share their story.

“The book encourages young professionals who are eager to step out on faith, wondering how to pursue their purpose, and who desire to make an impact in their sphere of influence,” he says.

In his timely book, J. Caleb unwraps compelling leadership lessons for the millennial leader who dreams of starting an initiative of change.

Caleb’s book, “Remedy Network: A Millennial’s Guide to Connecting New York City Through Stories,” is available on Amazon at:

Remedy Network hosts educational talks for millennials and promotes mental health advocacy in New York City. To find out more the organization, visit or email

Also visit Caleb on Instagram: @jcaleb – and on Twitter at: @jcaleb77. Follow Remedy Network at: #remedynetwork

Caleb has recently met and joined forces with Kalief’s brother, social justice advocate and leader, Akeem Browder. Caleb encourages all millennials everywhere to pursue the very thing they were created to do and share their unique story.

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