General Editorial

General Editorial

General Editorial News, Human Interest, and Lifestyle Feature Stories

General Editorial

General Editorial
General Editorial News, Human Interest, and Lifestyle Feature Stories

While urban summer jobs may be in decline, CoolWorks provides tips for scoring a 2014 summer job

GARDINER, Mont. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Cool Works(R), the premier online board for seasonal jobs in great places, today released a list of recommendations for job seekers hoping to score last-minute summer employment. While most adventure destination employers are currently staffed, Cool Works states there a good number still filling last minute vacancies or increasing staff to meet business demands.

The Libertarian Party of Texas will have 132 candidates representing them on ballots across Texas this November

AUSTIN, Texas /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: The Libertarian Party of Texas will have 132 candidates representing them on ballots across Texas this November. With nominated candidates running for offices at all levels, ranging from County Clerk to U.S. Congress, U.S. Senate, and Governor, the Libertarian Party of Texas is running a large slate of candidates.

New Music Release from Spain Native Grace Rodson Fuses the Rhythms of Latin American with Western Pop

LONDON, England /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: New Music! Like a simmering plate of succulent seafood paella, Spain native Grace Rodson is serving a mouth watering concoction of Latin flavors with her debut release 'Samba in My Bones' from Global Media Group and JFM Records. Skillfully stirring the flavors of flamenco, Latin, funk, Celtic and yes, samba in her delectable pot seasoned with a pop music base, Rodson sizzles as an engaging new international artist with an enchanting look and sound.

TeamF1 Inc. Scales Up Contribution for Fremont California 2014 Scholarship Programs

FREMONT, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: TeamF1, Inc., a leader in embedded networking and security software solutions, has stepped up as a 'Priceless Sponsor' for the City of Fremont's scholarship programs as a part of its F1rstHand community outreach program. TeamF1's F1rstHand program is the company's effort to lend a helping hand to the community by investing in deserving local causes.

KiwiGeeker's New MobiSecret Software for Windows Can Uncover Infidelity and other Illicit Behavior from iPhone

NEW YORK, N.Y. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: MobiSecret, newly released by KiwiGeeker, is an intelligent data analysis application that scans, recovers, analyzes and exports communication data stored in any iPhone. The software is designed to identify potential threats to a committed relationship or family including affairs, drug abuse, criminal activity, etc., through its smart contact history analysis function.

Better Life Technologies Group, Inc. announces patented Albert Jones Anti-Distress Device to help save kids lives while swimming

SAN DIEGO, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: In the U.S., children aged one to four have the highest drowning rates. And most drowning occurs in pools. Better Life Technologies Group, Inc. has announced a new patented technology product that's designed to save children's lives. According to studies, young children, African-Americans and males seem to be the most vulnerable. Accidents continue to happen, yet many go unreported.

First Corporate Housing Provider Joins Move For Hunger in the Fight Against Hunger

WASHINGTON, D.C. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Move For Hunger today announced that SuiteAmerica is the first nationwide corporate housing provider to join the only international network of relocation companies dedicated to ending hunger. Over 50 million Americans experience food insecurity. Children are especially vulnerable to hunger with 17 million American children going to bed hungry each night. One in eight District households is struggling against hunger.

Behavior Modification Expert and Founder of Vital Trance, Gene Hirschel, Offers Plan to Banish a Food Craving in 5-Minutes (*UPDATED*)

NEW YORK, N.Y. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: According to the Center for Disease Control website, as of 2010 over 35 percent of Americans above the age of 20 are considered obese, and over 69 percent are considered overweight. This has caused an increased interest in discovering easy and approachable weight loss plans. According to Gene Hirschel, Behavior Modification Expert and founder of Vital Trance, many of these do not provide lasting results. (UPDATED)

Sing Winter Away with Ruth Roberts' Family-Friendly Songs

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: After a heavy winter in many parts of the U.S., parents of small children all around the country may be in a celebratory mood as they anticipate letting their children once again enjoy the great outdoors. Adding to the fun is the availability of many songs and albums from the Ruth Roberts children songbook collection, including 'St. Patrick's Day Songs That Tickle Your Funny Bone.'

Ricardo Estrada's new novel 'Gratuity Not Included' is a dramatic, yet humorous read that brings levity to the serious topic of...

NEW YORK, N.Y. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: In his new book, 'Gratuity Not Included' (ISBN: 9780979675539), author Ricardo Estrada will strike a chord with any reader who has ever questioned best-laid plans, been inspired by love, or bound by loyalty.