JabberYak Office Name Plate

(SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.) — NEWS: Scottsdale start-up, JabberYak, has developed a new team-building Office Name Plate to help employees re-connect and re-engage as they return to the office.

“As we enter a post-pandemic world, we are seeing companies go through major transitions as they try to navigate the return to the office. Isolation, Zoom fatigue, and lack of social interactions among team members have had an adverse mental impact on employees,” says Gail Levinthal, CEO of JabberYak.

At the same time, employees can feel overwhelmed and disconnected during the transition and a poorly designed work model can have a profound negative impact on teamwork and productivity.

JabberYak is set to make the transition smoother by getting co-workers to re-connect and get to know each other again. JabberYak’s platform enables employees to select their top seven personal interests that give insight into who they are. The selected interests then get printed on customized name plates and displayed on offices, cubicles, or collaborative workspaces. This will enable employees to learn something new about each other, build relationships based on common interests, ease social interactions, and improve the level of engagement with team members.

“Folks are returning to the office, and they have not seen each other for a year or two and many new employees have not even met their team members. There is lot of pressure on companies to find ways to build cohesive teams that know and trust each other,” adds Levinthal. “We have taken an old office item, like a name plate, which is there for everyone to basically ignore… completely revamped it and turned it to a fun team building tool.”

JabberYak’s analytics dashboard helps companies understand what activities are valued by the team members and what appreciation perks should be offered.

JabberYak’s other icebreaker, team-building, and customer engagement products include customized T-Shirts, event badges, name tags, and free event scheduling tool, designed to ignite meaningful, face-to-face communication.

Learn more at: https://www.jabberyak.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/jabberyak/


*VIDEO (YouTube): https://youtu.be/ZOK6EZzSi40



Related link: https://www.jabberyak.com/

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