(ATLANTA, Ga.) — NEWS: Alliance Group announced that Stephen Walther, Vice President of Sales & Distribution, has been elected to the FACC Board of Directors. Walther will bring with him decades of experience in the Life Insurance and Financial Services Industry, and a long track record of leading innovative and diverse teams of independent insurance agents and agencies across the country.

Throughout his time in the industry, Walther has been involved in many of the areas that the FACC is focused on, such as regulatory awareness, producer training and education, and compliance guidelines across the Independent Distribution channel. This experience will serve him well within his new role with the FACC.

Stephen Walther

“We’re happy to see Steve appointed to the FACC board – his experience and depth of knowledge make him a great addition,” said Alliance Group CEO Lee Duncan. “Steve’s a natural educator and his history of being a champion for independent agents and agencies is something that will serve the board well.”

About FACC:

The Federation of Americans for Consumer Choice (FACC) serves as the voice for independent distribution of life insurance, long-term care insurance and annuities, dedicated to the preservation of consumer access to products and professional advice Americans need to live securely and retire with confidence.

Independent distribution of annuity and insurance products fosters:

* Healthy competition in the financial services marketplace

* Product options and innovation for consumers

* Wider choice of products and services for unserved or underserved markets

More information on Alliance Group and Living Benefits life insurance is available on their website, https://www.alliancegrouplife.com/.

Related link: https://www.AllianceGroupLife.com/

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