Tags Elections and Politics

Tag: Elections and Politics

Idaho Falls Bonneville GOP Announces City Candidate Mayoral and City Council Voter Forums

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The Bonneville County Republican Central Committee (GOP) has set the Idaho Falls City Council Forum on Oct. 4, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. and the Mayoral Forum October 5 at 6:30 p.m. All forums will be held at the Bonneville County Commissioner's Chamber at 605 North Capital Ave, Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Donald Lowe for POTUS 2020

Making a Change in POTUS: Donald Eugene Lowe Ramps up Presidential Campaign for 2020

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Four years ago, Donald Eugene Lowe launched his presidential campaign and ran for president in 2016. Today, he continues to be dismayed by the direction of the country and maintains his position that he is the right choice for president of the United States in 2020.

Libertarian Railroad Commission Candidate Mark Miller Wants Voters to Declare Independence from Two-Party Rule

AUSTIN, Texas -- Texas Libertarian Candidate Dr. Mark Miller urges voters to declare independence from two-party rule. With Govs. Gary Johnson and Bill Weld representing the Libertarian Party at the top of the ballot this year, the next highest contest in Texas will be the statewide election of Texas Railroad Commission, for which Miller is running.

John Krause seeking 2014 Republican Nomination to represent Florida's First Congressional District

PENSACOLA, Fla. /eNewsChannels/ -- You want a Voice? You have a Choice! John Krause today has announced his candidacy for U.S. Congress, seeking the 2014 Republican Nomination for United States House of Representatives to represent Florida's First Congressional District.

Census Bureau Report Confirms that Blacks Voted at a Higher Rate than Whites in 2012 Election and Black Women Surpassed Everyone

WASHINGTON, D.C. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS May 9, 2013: Melanie L. Campbell, president and CEO of The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation (The National Coalition) and convener of Black Women's Roundtable issued the following statement in response to a U.S. Census Bureau report released yesterday finding that about two in three eligible blacks (66.2 percent) voted in the 2012 presidential election, higher than the 64.1 percent of non-Hispanic whites who did so.

At CPAC 2013: CEO Ravi Singh of ElectionMall will speak on Cloud Solutions for reaching out to constituents, supporters and...

WASHINGTON, D.C. /eNewsChannels/ -- ElectionMall, Inc. CEO Ravi Singh is excited to speak at CPAC 2013. A first-time speaker at CPAC, Mr. Singh will serve on two panels. One of which is 'Back to the Future: High Tech-High Touch - Cool Tools.' This will focus on the abilities of campaigns and organizations to reach out to constituents, supporters and voters in a technology focused age.

Central Valley Tea Party will host a massive phone banking event on Nov. 1

FRESNO, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- The Central Valley Tea Party will host a massive phone banking event for their monthly Action Night meeting on Nov. 1, 2012. Several candidates will be in attendance to rally participants.

Mitt Romney Campaign Names Josh Valdez, DBA, to Chair Health Care Insurance Industry Group and Advise Candidacy

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- Latino Consultants, LLC today announced that Josh Valdez, DBA, the former Regional Director for the Federal Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), has been named the Chair of Health Care Insurance Industry Group by the Romney for President campaign.

Mobile Politics iPhone App selected by Catholic Online

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- Catholic Online is announcing their adoption of the new Mobile Politics application for the iPhone to share the social message of the Church. Mobile Politics is being touted as 'the most powerful tool in politics since the invention of the ballot.'

Votes for Charity, Inc. launches Volunteer Voters Program, Pledging Votes to the Most Charitable Political Party

PHILADELPHIA, Pa. /eNewsChannels/ -- Inspired by the millions of dissatisfied Americans taking to the streets, Votes for Charity, Inc. is a democratic outlet for the disenfranchised voters in this country. Instead of voting for the status quo, the 'Volunteer Voters' will be able to use their vote to redirect millions of dollars from political propaganda, to the best charities in America.