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Tag: Religion and Churches

New ‘Dial-A-Priest’ hotline provides hospitals with Episcopal clergy for Ministration at the Time of Death

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- TryTank Experimental Lab is making Dial-A-Priest available to hospitals around the country starting Tuesday, April 7, 2020. Dial-A-Priest is a free service that connects callers to an Episcopal clergyperson who can offer the "Ministration at the Time of Death" from the Book of Common Prayer by telephone to hospital patients.

African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME Church) Installs New Senior Bishop, Adam Jefferson Richardson, Jr.

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- On June 26, during the AME Church's Annual Council of Bishops and General Board Meeting Worship Service, at the Birmingham-Jefferson County Convention Center in Birmingham, Alabama, the Right Reverend Adam Jefferson Richardson, Jr. was installed as the Senior Bishop of the AME Church.

Human Rights Association for Forced Conversion (HAC), Northern California Branch Hold Memorial for Ms. Gu Ji-in

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- According to the Human Rights Association for Forced Conversion (HAC), Northern California Branch, on December 30th, Ms. Gu Ji-in, a 25 year old women was found dead at a lodging in Hwasun; a victim of a coercive conversion program. The Hwasun Police Department confirmed an investigation and the woman's parents were questioned about their involvement in the confinement and death of their daughter.

Amitabha Buddha’s Holy Birthday Dharma Assembly 2018 Held by True Buddha Dharma Center at Bao Ta Si Temple

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Amitabha Buddha is the Lord of Buddhism of the Western World of the Utmost Bliss, says True Buddha Dharma Center. According to the "Amitabha Sutra Expounded by the Buddha," this Buddha emits light that is unmeasurable and has a life that is unmeasurable. It is for those reasons, He is called the Amitabha Buddha.

Film Premiere: Taking a Hard Look at Persecution Around the World, ‘Christians in the Mirror’

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- "Christians in the Mirror," a first-of-its-kind independent documentary produced by Joshuacord, Inc. and In Altum Productions, premieres Friday, September 28, at AMC West Shore 14 in Tampa at 6 p.m. Taking a hard look at how America and the West have been involved in the global persecution of Christians, this indie film interviews Christians from the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.

Former LA County Sheriff Lee Baca Joins Faculty at the University of Los Angeles College of Divinity

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Former Los Angeles County Sheriff Leroy "Lee" Baca, who retired as the top law enforcement officer in LA County in 2014, was appointed as a professor announced the University of Los Angeles College of Divinity in Compton, Calif. (ULACD). Ironically Sheriff Baca was previously responsible for the LA County Sheriff's department taking over the policing in Compton from the local Compton Police department in 2000, saving the city over $8 million.

New Film, ‘Christians in the Mirror’ includes interviews with religious leaders and persecuted Christians in Middle East

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Patrick Carberry, founder Joshuacord, Inc., has teamed up with In Altum Productions, film director Jordan Allott, and Paul Jallo, president, Jallo Oil Distributors, to produce a much-needed documentary that addresses the plight of Christian persecution in the Middle East and Africa. Joshuacord is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization developed to help people persecuted for their Christian faith.

New Book ‘Here I Am Lord’ to Draw Readers Closer to The Lord

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Author Alan T Black announces the launch of his new book, "Here I am Lord" (ISBN: 978-1982057282). The book primarily answers the call of the Lord and helps readers get closer to the Lord. The book comprises 35 different essays and it illustrates some of the best tools which can be used to help you come closer to the Lord. The Kindle Edition will be available for free on the Kindle store Feb. 12 - 16, 2018.

New Jersey Christian Radio Station, The Bridge 95.1 FM, Takes On Illegal Radio Frequency Pirates, And Wins

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- When The Bridge Christian Radio Network, based in Old Bridge, N.J., gained authorization to expand its Christian Bible teaching broadcasts into New York City in November 2013, no one could have anticipated the battle that would ensue before the station could actually begin broadcasting on its own frequency, 95.1 FM in the heart of Manhattan.

Baha’i Faith: Baha’is of Detroit Tri-County Area to mark the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Baha’u’llah

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Baha'is of the Detroit Tri-County Area (Wayne, Macomb and Oakland Counties) are preparing to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Baha'u'llah, the Founder of the Baha'i Faith, on Oct. 22, 2017 at 3 p.m. at the Flagstar Strand Theatre for the Performing Arts in downtown Pontiac.