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Tag: Santa Monica

Grenadier Military Antiques Auctions to offer historic 48-star American D-Day flag

SANTA MONICA, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: An historic 48-star American D-Day flag - similar to one radio personality Glenn Beck paid $350,000 for in an auction last June - will be offered for auction during June 2015 by Grenadier Military Antiques Auctions in Los Angeles. The auction coincides with the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII and the 71st anniversary of the D-Day landings.

GreenAcrossAmerica.com Goes Clean Across America and Back, Launching the Biggest Alternative Fuel Vehicle Road Trip in History

SANTA MONICA, Calif., /eNewsChannels/ -- Media Center Entertainment announced today that two dozen of the U.S. Department of Energy supported Clean Cities Coalitions have pledged to hold public alternative fuels events and press conferences to support the GreenAcrossAmerica.com 2012 CNG Road Trip.

Audrey Magazine presented successful 'Audrey's Night Out 2012' at the historic Barker Hangar on Sept. 15, sponsored by 360 Jets

SANTA MONICA, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- The iconic Barker Hangar was the site, Saturday Sept. 15, 2012 for an evening of Music and Fashion. Audrey Magazine presented 'Audrey's Night Out 2012' sponsored by 360 Jets, at the historic Barker Hangar, located inside the Santa Monica airport.

APDA L.A. Presents 'Living Artistically With Parkinson's Disease'

SANTA MONICA, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- The Los Angeles chapter of the American Parkinson's Disease Association (apdala.org), along with James Gray Gallery, present 'Living Artistically with Parkinson's Disease,' a unique exhibition featuring works of art created by celebrated artists living with PD. To celebrate the exhibition, which runs from February 8-13, 2012, the APDA L.A. is hosting a champagne brunch with a silent auction this Sunday, February 12.

New DVD Celebrates 6 Year Anniversary of Video Podcast Show, COIN-OP TV

SANTA MONICA, Calif. -- COIN-OP TV celebrates six years of independent Internet TV on the video game industry. An early adopter of the online video format, COIN-OP TV launched a year before YouTube and many other popular video content Web sites.