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Tag: stevia

Mayor Bloomberg and Mex President Pena Nieto Help N. Americans Win Battle of the Bulge

OPINION: After Mexico became No. 1 in obesity and diabetes in June, their new President Pena Nieto surprisingly recommended as a solution the no-carb herbal sweetener stevia discovered by the South American tribes. And while soda lovers criticized Mayor Bloomberg’s campaign to reduce the size of sodas, most fit Americans and Mexicans cheered on their bold interventions.
Suzy Chaffee

How Moms Can Help Reduce Women and Children's Violence by 50 Percent

OPINION: What if we had the power to reduce the roots of violence by 50% – including one in three women raped world-wide -...

Could Stevia have spared the deaths of Whitney Houston and Amy Winehouse?

OPINION: People around the world have recently mourned the passing of Whitney, Amy Winehouse, and First Lady Betty Ford, exemplified by the touching New Years Tributes and Grammy Salute to Whitney. With the help of doctors Drew, Phil and Gupte these (celestial) shooting stars left us with priceless lessons to prevent or recover from alcoholism.